If you were to go into the boardroom of a major oil company and say that you just picked up 42,000 acres, those gathered around the table might ask if you had found that acreage in the seat cushions with the crumbs and lint. For Kodiak Oil & Gas (NYSE: KOG), though, a purchase like this will be talked about for a while. The company's most recent purchase increased its assets in the Bakken formation by 27%, and an additional 5,700 barrels of oil equivalent per day should help to grow production numbers as well. 

A lot of problems can arise when a company acquires new assets. Do they fit the company's strategic vision? Did the company pay a good price? In this video, Fool.com contributors Tyler Crowe and Aimee Duffy help to answer some of these questions about Kodiak's acquisition and also looks at its prospects.