Whistle-blowing takes guts. If you're aware of some shenanigans at your company, for example, sounding an alarm isn't a surefire way to be profiled on "60 Minutes," to be named Time magazine's Person of the Year, and to earn the thanks and respect of thousands, if not millions. Instead, many whistle-blowers simply find themselves punished for heeding their consciences. At work they may be discriminated against, harassed, or fired. They may even find it difficult to land another job, what with the recommendation-from-your-former-employer issue and all.

Fortunately, media exposure surrounding some high-profile whistle-blowers over the past few years has helped usher in new protections for whistle-blowers. (In 2002, for example, Time named three whistle-blowing women, who exposed the underbellies of Enron, WorldCom, and the FBI, as "Persons of the Year.") The new rules were introduced with the 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley investor protection legislation that protects whistle-blowers from, among other things, retaliation.

Bill Mann noted some drawbacks to the "Sarb-Ox" rules recently, and he made some good points. Notably, it's expensive for companies to comply with all the new rules, so some companies (especially smaller ones) are finding it hard to remain public. Still, there's good with the bad. Back in 2002, Daniel Westman, who litigates whistle-blower cases, penned an article for the Fool explaining that protecting whistle-blowers is critical if we're to maintain trust in our markets.

If you're wondering how this new protection is being presented to the world, look no further than many companies' "whistle-blower policies," often available on corporate websites. Here are a few examples:

  • RadioShack's (NYSE:RSH) policy
  • Herman Miller's (NASDAQ:MLHR) policy
  • Smith & Wesson's (AMEX:SWE) policy

RadioShack says, among other things, "It is the policy of RadioShack Corporation that it will not tolerate harassment, retaliation or any type of discrimination or adverse action against an employee ('whistle-blower') who. makes a good-faith complaint." Herman Miller says, "Retaliation against any employee that files a Report or voices a concern under this policy is strictly prohibited." Smith & Wesson explains that it will protect those who report possible violations in good faith, "even if the report is mistaken."

Many companies encourage whistle-blowers to speak out via independent, third-party companies that specialize in such communications. An example is EthicsPoint, whose technology "was developed specifically to expose and combat employee fraud and other workplace malfeasance."

Assuming that corporate whistle-blower policies across the nation are effectively enforced, they're very encouraging developments for investors. Investing in a firm always requires a degree of trust on the part of investors, as we're expected to believe information presented by management. It can only help if we know that employees feel more free to raise red flags.

Longtime Fool contributor Selena Maranjian does not own shares of any companies mentioned in this article.