Vacation Time?

by Harry Jones

(March 9, 1999) -- Irv is thinking about driving to the East Coast this month for his vacation away from here. We've both been out West at different times, but haven't been to the East much. Irv would like to see the Carolinas and he's never been to Virginia or Washington D.C., either. He's got to leave in the next week, though, before things pick up later in March. If he does that, I'm not sure what we'll do about this column.

The S&P was down 0.23% today.

 Recent Harry Jones Portfolio Headlines
  08/26/99  Is it a Nifty 500? Part II
  08/19/99  Is it a Nifty 500? Part I
  08/12/99  Illuminating Index Funds, Part Two
  08/05/99  Illuminating Index Funds
  07/29/99  The Foolishness of Index Funds
Harry Jones Portfolio Archives »  

03/09/99 Close

Stock Change Close SPY - 9/16 128.06
Day Month Year History HARRY -0.44% 3.64% 0.34% 0.34% S&P: -0.23% 3.35% 4.12% 4.12% NASDAQ: -0.20% 4.59% 9.13% 9.13% Rec'd # Security In At Now Change 1/4/99 16 S&P Depos 127.63 128.06 0.34% Rec'd # Security In At Value Change 1/4/99 16 S&P Depos 2042.00 2049.00 $7.00 CASH $0.00 TOTAL $2049.00 Yesterday Today Change S&P Depos 128.63 128.06 SPY -9/16


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