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One of the most popular is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, which asks a series of questions to determine which of 16 different personality types you are. About 88% of Fortune 500 companies have used this test to better understand their employees and new hires.
Myers-Briggs personality types are based on four buckets, which can be "filled" in one of two ways: introversion (I) or extroversion (E); intuition (N) or sensing (S); thinking (T) or feeling (F); and judging (J) or perceiving (P).
Your four-letter type is meant to help you determine your strengths and weaknesses in all aspects of your life, including work. This is how each type plays out in the office.
INTJ: The Architect
INTJs are known as the Architects. These people are strategic, have a lot of self-confidence, and know how to be decisive.
Strengths: INTJs are hard-working and dedicated. They're also able to pick up new processes and systems quickly. They care deeply about technical excellence in their work tasks, so they're thorough and accurate.
Weaknesses: INTJs may come off a little too cocky at work. Because they're so confident about their own decisions, they may also be overly analytical of co-workers, maybe even judgmental.
INTP: The Logician
The INTP personality is the Logician (only 3% of the population are Logicians). They're always questioning and inventing, and are creative and intelligent.
Strengths: INTPs make connections between complex processes and moving parts. They're not afraid to use their imagination at work, and their objectivity speaks to their logic-based decision-making.
Weaknesses: Logicians can often be withdrawn and quiet, especially in social settings. Because they're so driven by logic, they can also be a bit insensitive and condescending.
ENTJ: The Commander
ENTJ is the Commander personality type. These people have charisma and confidence for days, and they love to be challenged in whatever work they're doing.
Strengths: Their determination and strong will mean they don't give up on projects easily, and they make good workplace leaders. They inspire and energize others with their charisma and enthusiasm for the task at hand.
Weaknesses: ENTJs like to take control, so they can be impatient and dominate a situation. They can also come off as arrogant with all of that self-confidence.
ENTP: The Debater
ENTPs are Debaters. They love to dig into arguments and play devil's advocate. They enjoy showing off their wit, and at work, they make sure their opinions and ideas are heard.
Strengths: Because Debaters love an argument, they're good on their feet. They have flexible minds and are able to think quickly. They're also charismatic and energetic.
Weaknesses: You probably can guess the weakness here -- debaters can sometimes be too argumentative. They're rational thinkers, so they can be a bit impatient and insensitive to what others have to say.
INFJ: The Advocate
The INFJ, or Advocate, personality, is very rare -- less than 1% of people have this personality type. Their personality is marked by idealism, but they're not dreamers. They know how to get what they want, and are good at helping others find their life's purpose.
Strengths: INFJs love using their imagination and are very creative in dealing with both work and life challenges. These people are great as counselors and are good listeners.
Weaknesses: Advocates tend to be very reserved, especially about their personal lives. They're known to be perfectionists at work, so they might always be looking for the best option out there, even if it wastes time.
INFP: The Mediator
The Mediator is also an idealist, always seeing the good in people and situations. Like their name suggests, they want everyone to get along, and they strive to make things better. They also want to find deep purpose in their work.
Strengths: Mediators see the value in people and things. They're creative, open-minded, and passionate about what they're doing. They make dedicated employees.
Weaknesses: INFPs can be too optimistic, and they often forget to take care of their own needs because they're so focused on others. They may not pay attention to small details.
ENFJ: The Protagonist
ENFJs are known as the Protagonists because of their leadership skills and their intense passion. They're warm, creative, and intelligent, so they make great co-workers.
Strengths: Protagonists believe in others, and they're open to differing opinions. They're dependable workers who follow through on projects. They don't give up easily.
Weaknesses: ENFJs can easily wear themselves out trying to help others, sometimes making them too selfless. They base a lot of their own self-worth on their own idea of success, so they lose confidence if they fail. They're also not the best decision-makers.
ENFP: The Campaigner
The Campaigner, or ENFP, is a free-spirited, charming personality type. They love connecting with people and engaging in social and emotional interactions.
Strengths: Campaigners are generally popular at work because of their energy and great communication skills. They're the perfect team player. They love coming up with new ideas and are always very curious to learn and experience things.
Weaknesses: Because they're such free spirits, sometimes Campaigners can struggle focusing on a task. They overthink things and get stressed out or emotional easily.
ISTJ: The Logistician
It's thought that the ISTJ, or the Logistician, personality type is the most common. These people are hard-working and take pride in their work, and they work well with set rules.
Strengths: ISTJs are patient at work, and they always go above and beyond to complete a task. They retain knowledge well, and can apply it to different work situations, and they're honest and practical, focusing on integrity.
Weaknesses: It can be challenging for Logisticians to see outside the facts, and they're slow to accept being wrong.
ISFJ: The Defender
ISFJs, or Defenders, care deeply about people they work with and are kind and generous. They can be perfectionists at work because they want to please others.
Strengths: Defenders are patient with co-workers and like to support others with enthusiasm, loyalty, and good listening skills.
Weaknesses: ISFJs can be quite reserved and shy at work, and they have a hard time talking about their own successes. They also take things too personally at times.
ESTJ: The Executive
As the name suggests, Executives, or ESTJs, enjoy leading and bringing people together. They respect tradition and appreciate order.
Strengths: ESTFs are very strong-willed and committed to their cause. They're very organized and can bring order to the chaos in work situations.
Weaknesses: Executives can be pretty set in their ways, and they might have a hard time adapting to something more unconventional.
ESFJ: The Consul
ESFJs are the popular ones. They're excellent leaders and socializers and strive to ensure that everyone is happy.
Strengths: Consuls are practical, committed, and loyal, making them great workplace leaders. Their warmth and sensitivity for others makes them likeable, and they make strong connections quickly.
Weaknesses: ESFJs can often be too worried about their appearance or social status. They don't like conflict, so they can get defensive quickly when criticized.
ISTP: The Virtuoso
Virtuosos enjoy occupations where they get to be creative and make things. They like unpredictable situations and are very hands-on.
Strengths: ISTPs have a lot of creative energy, and they're flexible and open. You can count on Virtuosos in a crisis because they're great at thinking on their feet and remaining calm.
Weaknesses: ISTPs can be pretty quiet, so they're hard to get to know. Because they like excitement in their work, they can become bored easily if not challenged.
ISFP: The Adventurer
The Adventurer or ISFP is artistic and unconventional. They're free spirits and love to push the envelope of what's normal.
Strengths: ISFPs are creative and imaginative, making them great workers when they can express their curiosity and artistry. They're also likable because they're sensitive and warm.
Weaknesses: Adventurers can get quite competitive, and their self-esteem can waver, making them stressed out easily. The don't do well in strict work environments.
ESTP: The Entrepreneur
ESTPs love to be the center of attention. They're social and energetic, and are considered doers more than thinkers.
Strengths: Entrepreneurs are funny and likable at work. They love making a situation more interesting by pushing boundaries and being direct.
Weaknesses: ESTPs like to live in the moment, which can mean they have trouble seeing the big picture. They can also be impatient and may take unwise risks.
ESFP: The Entertainer
ESFPs love to energize others. They live in the moment, and inspire co-workers to get things done in the office. They're social and relaxed, making those around them more comfortable.
Strengths: Entertainers have great people skills. They're creative and don't hold back from taking risks and questioning tradition.
Weaknesses: ESFPs don't do well with long-term commitments. They can be overly sensitive to criticism, and they get bored easily if they don't feel excited.
No matter your Myers-Briggs personality type, it's important to know what strengths and weaknesses you have a tendency toward. Knowing this about yourself and your co-workers can create more harmonious work environments.