Investors tend to see tech stocks as growth-generating businesses, whose long-term value is determined by their ability to grow revenue and/or bottom-line profits. At the same time, some tech stocks are ultra-stable industry giants with beefy cash flows and generous dividend policies.
It's actually easy to find technology companies whose stocks belong in both income-generating and growth-oriented investment portfolios. Here are three tech stocks with a combination of serious dividend payments and strong revenue growth.
1. Broadcom
Semiconductor and business software giant Broadcom (AVGO 3.50%) is both an exciting growth stock and a fantastic dividend ticker. The company is a global leader in important markets such as 5G and Wi-Fi 6 networking, automotive computing, and cloud systems management solutions. A growing backlog of firm orders ensures that Broadcom's top-line sales will grow at a healthy clip for the foreseeable future, ticking every box in the growth stock category.
The company is also keen on returning generous amounts of cash to shareholders in the form of dividends. What started as a modest payout of $0.07 per share in the fourth quarter of 2010 has grown 3,900% in a decade. Broadcom's quarterly dividend checks are now worth $3.60 per share, which works out to a fantastic 3% annual yield.
Broadcom is the best of both worlds. Both dividend investors and growth stock enthusiasts can embrace this flexible investment.
2. Universal Display
At first glance, Universal Display (OLED 1.44%) doesn't look like much of a dividend stock. The developer and materials reseller of organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display and lighting technologies offers a skimpy yield of 0.3%. The dividend policy started just four years ago. Only 23% of Universal Display's free cash flows were funneled into last year's dividend payouts.
But if you bought Universal Display shares when the first dividend check was announced, your effective dividend yield would already be a respectable 1.2%. The company has leaned into the dividend idea with enthusiasm while also expanding its product development infrastructure. A brand new materials manufacturing facility is under construction in Ireland as a joint venture between Universal Display and longtime materials partner PPG (PPG 0.54%). When completed in 2022, the global supply of OLED materials should double overnight.
The stock has more than tripled since the first dividend checks were sent out, and the quarterly payouts have increased nearly seven-fold. You don't have to think of Universal Display as an income stock but the payouts will provide a welcome boost to the company's explosive business growth in the long run.
3. Telkom Indonesia
Let's round this list off with a more traditional dividend idea. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (TLK 1.79%) is the largest provider of telephony, cellphone, internet, and cable TV services in the world's fourth most populous nation. The country handled the COVID-19 pandemic well with a generous financial stimulus project and a comprehensive vaccination plan. Indonesia is now considered an upper-middle-income country thanks to a thriving middle class. Telkom Indonesia's target market is poised for explosive growth when the recovery from the pandemic has run its course.
The company pumped the brakes on its dividend payouts in the summer of 2020, conserving cash during the darkest days of the pandemic. The dividend policy is now back to normal with an effective yield of 3.3%. All things considered, Telkom Indonesia is a better dividend stock in my eyes than the North American telecom giants.