Olo (OLO -1.23%), which stands for "online ordering," is a business-to-business software-as-a-service (SaaS) company headquartered in New York City. It has been in business since 2005, well before the boom of the smart phone. Olo is a leader in digital hospitality, and its customers include Wingstop (WING -2.32%), Shake Shack (SHAK -0.79%), FiveGuys, and Chili's, which is part of Brinker International (EAT -1.13%).

All together, Olo works with over 400 brands and 64,000 locations. Based on this math, Olo's average customer has around 160 locations. Olo's platform enables its customers to place orders from multiple locations, including websites, apps, social media platforms, third-party marketplaces, home assistants, smart speakers, and more. Additionally, Olo assists its restaurant clients with analytics and other services. 

In the below video, I provide stock market analysis on Olo pre-IPO, and I break down the S-1 and the company's business model. Should you buy Olo stock now?