Are you using social media holidays in your marketing plan? Adding popular, brand-relevant, and audience-related dates to your content calendar can boost your brand awareness while giving you plenty of opportunities to engage with your followers.
You’ll find holidays for nearly every day of the year, so it’s a matter of narrowing it down to those which earn you customer loyalty and provide added value to your fans’ lives. Discover some of the best internet holidays below, along with a few less-notable dates, then start building your content plan.
Overview: What is a social media holiday?
Social media holidays are days that celebrate or acknowledge different foods, backgrounds, or skill sets. Although random holidays have been around forever, everyone is more familiar with lesser-known subjects such as Data Privacy Day or Nutella Day, thanks to trending hashtags.
Many big brands create campaigns around holidays specific to their brands or products. Companies use special dates to highlight benefits and features, or even to get social proof from customers.
However, you need to do more than simply toss out a stock photo with a trending hashtag. Your content must be relevant, fresh, and add to the conversation on social media.
2021 social media hashtags and holidays
Develop targeted promotions and standout campaigns by selecting a mix of holidays suited to your brand and audience. Do your due diligence by researching the holiday, and your hashtags, before scheduling your posts.
Use these social media marketing tips to select just the right list of holidays for your brand:
- Know your audience: Find holidays related to your fans’ hobbies, habits, and lifestyle. Choose a mix of dates that inspire, inform, or celebrate your unique followers.
- Add trending hashtags: Search for local and trending hashtags using tools like Hootsuite or Sprout Social.
- Align internet holidays to your brand: Don’t jump on every holiday or you’ll overwhelm your feed and your audience.
- Use a social media content calendar template: Schedule your social media holidays in advance so you can see where you have content gaps and opportunities.
Create an easy-to-use content and engagement calendar template with Hootsuite. Image source: Author
January 2021
Start the year off on a fabulous note by celebrating National Thank You Month. Create a social media campaign recognizing (and thanking) your customers, teams, or followers. Then find and add a few relevant dates such as Bubble Bath Day for beauty brands or Vision Board Day for productivity software companies.
Incorporate one or more of these internet holidays into your January calendar:
- January 1: New Year's Day #NewYearsDay
- January 2: Science Fiction Day #ScienceFictionDay
- January 4: National Trivia Day #NationalTriviaDay
- January 5: National Keto Day #NationalKetoDay
- January 6: National Technology Day #TechnologyDay
- January 7: National Bobblehead Day #NationalBobbleheadDay
- January 8: National Bubble Bath Day #BubbleBathDay
- January 9: National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day #LawEnforcementAppreciationDay
- January 10: National Cut Your Energy Costs Day #CutYourEnergyCostsDay
- January 11: National Vision Board Day #VisionBoardDay
- January 11: Human Trafficking Awareness Day #HumanTraffickingAwarenessDay
- January 13: National Sticker Day #NationalStickerDay
- January 13: Clean Off Your Desk Day #CleanOffYourDeskDay
- January 15: National Hat Day #NationalHatDay
- January 18: Martin Luther King Jr. Day #MLKDay
- January 18: Blue Monday #BlueMonday
- January 20: Cheese Lovers Day #CheeseLoversDay
- January 21: Get To Know Your Customers Day Q1 #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
- January 21: National Hugging Day #NationalHuggingDay
- January 22: Library Shelfie Day #LibraryShelfieDay
- January 23: National Pie Day #NationalPieDay
- January 24: National Compliment Day #NationalComplimentDay
- January 25: Opposite Day #OppositeDay
- January 25: Community Manager Appreciation Day #CMAD
- January 28: Data Privacy Day #PrivacyAware
- January 31: Backwards Day #BackwardsDay
- January 31: Inspire Your Heart with Art Day #InspireYourHeartWithArtDay
- January 31: Grammy Awards #GRAMMYs
February 2021
Connect with fans using educational, infotainment, or inspiring social media content to bring awareness to Black History Month. For instance, Google’s #TheMostSearched campaign highlights “the icons and moments that have been searched more than any others in the United States.”
Mix in other social media holidays throughout the month that encourage fan interaction:
- February 1-28: Black History Month #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackHistoryMonth2021
- February 2: Groundhog Day #GroundhogDay
- February 2: World Wetlands Day #WorldWetlandsDay
- February 4: World Cancer Day #WorldCancerDay
- February 5: National Weatherperson’s Day #NationalWeatherpersonsDay
- February 5: World Nutella Day #WorldNutellaDay
- February 5: National Bubble Gum Day #BubbleGumDay
- February 7: Super Bowl #SBLIV #SB55
- February 7: National Send a Card to a Friend Day #SendACardToAFriendDay
- February 8: National Boy Scouts Day #BoyScoutsDay
- February 8: Clean Out Your Computer Day #CleanOutYourComputerDay
- February 9: National Pizza Day #NationalPizzaDay
- February 9: Safer Internet Day #SID2021
- February 11: Inventors Day #InventorsDay
- February 11: National Make A Friend Day #NationalMakeAFriendDay
- February 12: Chinese New Year #Year of the Ox
- February 13: World Radio Day #WorldRadioDay
- February 13: New York Fashion Week #NYFW #NWFW2021
- February 14: Valentine's Day #ValentinesDay
- February 15: Presidents Day #PresidentsDay
- February 15: Family Day #FamilyDay
- February 16: Mardi Gras #MardiGras
- February 16: National Pancake Day #NationalPancakeDay
- February 17: Random Acts Of Kindness Day #KindnessDay
- February 18: National Drink Wine Day #NationalDrinkWineDay
- February 18: National Battery Day #NationalBatteryDay
- February 20: Love Your Pet Day #LoveYourPetDay
- February 20: World Day of Social Justice #SocialJusticeDay
- February 21: International Mother Language Day #IMLD
- February 22: National Wildlife Day #NationalWildlifeDay
- February 28: National Skip The Straw Day #SkipTheStrawDay
- February 28: Golden Globe Awards #GoldenGlobes
March 2021
Can your fans recall top women from history? Boost social media engagement with a quiz for Women’s History Month. Or ask followers to comment on your post with one thing they want the world to know in coordination with National Be Heard Day. Then select a few pieces of user-generated content to share on your feed.
Help your audience get through the long month of March by adding one or more of these dates to your holiday calendar:
- March 1-31: Women’s History Month #WomensHistory #WomensHistoryMonth
- March 1: National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day #PeanutButterLoversDay
- March 2: National Read Across America Day #ReadAcrossAmerica #DrSeuss
- March 3: World Wildlife Day #WorldWildlifeDay
- March 4: National Grammar Day #NationalGrammarDay
- March 4: National Sons Day #NationalSonsDay
- March 5-6: National Day of Unplugging #NationalDayOfUnplugging
- March 5: National Salesperson Day #SalespersonDay
- March 5: Employee Appreciation Day #EmployeeAppreciationDay
- March 6: National Dentist’s Day #DentistsDay
- March 7: National Be Heard Day #NationalBeHeardDay
- March 7: National Cereal Day #NationalCerealDay
- March 8: National Proofreading Day #NationalProofreadingDay
- March 8: International Women’s Day #IWD2021 #EachforEqual
- March 9: National Napping Day #NationalNappingDay
- March 10: National Pack Your Lunch Day #NationalPackYourLunchDay
- March 10: Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day #NWGHAAD
- March 11: National Worship of Tools Day #WorshipOfToolsDay
- March 11: Johnny Appleseed Day #JohnnyAppleseedDay
- March 11: Popcorn Lover’s Day #PopcornLoversDay
- March 12: National Girl Scout Day #GirlScoutDay
- March 14: Daylight Savings #DaylightSavings
- March 14: Pi Day #PiDay
- March 14: Potato Chip Day #NationalPotatoChipDay
- March 14: Write Your Story Day #WriteYourStoryDay
- March 15: National Shoe The World Day #NationalShoeTheWorldDay
- March 15: World Consumer Rights Day #WCRD2021
- March 16: National Freedom of Information Day #FreedomOfInformationDay
- March 17: St. Patrick's Day #StPatricksDay
- March 18: Awkward Moments Day #NationalAwkwardMomentsDay
- March 19: National Let’s Laugh Day #NationalLetsLaughDay
- March 19: World Sleep Day #WorldSleepDay
- March 20: Spring Begins #FirstDayOfSpring
- March 20: International Day of Happiness #InternationalDayofHappiness
- March 20: World Storytelling Day #WorldStorytellingDay
- March 21: Elimination of Racial Discrimination Day #RacialDiscriminationDay
- March 21: World Poetry Day #WorldPoetryDay
- March 22: World Water Day #WorldWaterDay
- March 23: National Puppy Day #NationalPuppyDay
- March 23: American Diabetes Association Alert Day #AmericanDiabetesAssociationAlertDay
- March 25: Tolkien Reading Day #TolkienReadingDay
- March 26: National Spinach Day #NationalSpinachDay
- March 26: Purple Day #PurpleDay #EpilepsyAwarenessDay
- March 27: Earth Hour Day #EarthHourDay
- March 30: Doctor’s Day #NationalDoctorsDay
- March 30: National Take a Walk in the Park Day #NationalWalkInTheParkDay
- March 31: International Transgender Day Of Visibility #TransDayOfVisibility
- March 31: Equal Pay Day #EqualPayDay
- March 31: World Backup Day #WorldBackupDay
April 2021
Fill your social media content calendar with inspirational and helpful tips during Stress Awareness Month. You can connect your campaign to several holidays on this list since walking, rainbow-finding, beer, and pets could all be someone’s form of stress relief.
Select a few dates to schedule on your social media calendar:
- April 1: April Fools' Day #AprilFools
- April 2: World Autism Awareness Day #WAAD
- April 2: Good Friday #GoodFriday
- April 3: Find a Rainbow Day #FindARainbowDay
- April 3: National Handmade Day #NationalHandmadeDay
- April 4: Hug a Newsperson Day #HugANewsperson
- April 4: Easter #HappyEaster
- April 7: National Walking Day #NationalWalkingDay
- April 7: World Health Day #WorldHealthDay #LetsTalk
- April 7: National Beer Day #NationalBeerDay
- April 9: National Winston Churchill Day #WinstonChurchillDay
- April 10: National Siblings Day #NationalSiblingsDay
- April 10: Encourage a Young Writer Day #EncourageAYoungWriterDay
- April 11: National Pet Day #NationalPetDay
- April 12: Human Space Flight Day #HumanSpaceFlightDay #InternationalDayOfHumanSpaceFlight
- April 15: Tax Day #TaxDay
- April 15: National High-Five Day #NH5D
- April 15: Get To Know Your Customers Day Q2 #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
- April 16: National Wear Your Pajamas To Work Day #PJDay
- April 16: National Stress Awareness Day #StressAwarenessDay
- April 17: Haiku Poetry Day #HaikuPoetryDay
- April 20: National Look-Alike Day #NationalLookAlikeDay
- April 21: National Administrative Professionals Day #AdministrativeProfessionalsDay
- April 22: Earth Day #EarthDay2021
- April 22: Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day #TODASTW #COUNTONME #TakeOurChildrenToWorkDay
- April 23: World Book Day #WorldBookDay
- April 23: National Picnic Day #NationalPicnicDay
- April 25: Academy Awards #Oscars #Oscars2021
- April 25: National Telephone Day #NationalTelephoneDay
- April 25: World Malaria Day #EndMalariaForGood
- April 28: Pay It Forward Day #StandForKindness
- April 28: National Superhero Day #NationalSuperheroDay
- April 29: Denim Day #DenimDay
- April 29: International Dance Day #InternationalDanceDay
- April 30: National Honesty Day #NationalHonestyDay
- April 30: Arbor Day #ArborDay
- April 30: International Jazz Day #JazzDay
- April 30: National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day #AdoptAShelterPetDay
May 2021
Go ahead and use your social media management tools to schedule your month of posts so you can spend time celebrating on National BBQ Day using your favorite gas, smoke, or charcoal grill.
From bikes to trees to smiles, May is full of fun days to celebrate with your fans:
- May 1: May Day #MayDay
- May 1: International Workers Day #IntWorkersDay
- May 1: Space Day #SpaceDay
- May 1: Kentucky Derby #KYDerby
- May 3: World Press Freedom Day #WPFD2021 #PressFreedom
- May 4: Star Wars Day #MayThe4thBeWithYou #StarWarsDay
- May 4: International Firefighters Day #InternationalFirefightersDay
- May 4: Teachers' Day #ThankATeacher
- May 4: World Asthma Day #WorldAsthmaDay
- May 5: Cinco de Mayo #CincoDeMayo
- May 6: National Nurses Day #NursesDay
- May 7: World Password Day #WorldPasswordDay
- May 8: National Space Day #SpaceDay
- May 9: Europe Day #EuropeDay
- May 9: Mother's Day #MothersDay
- May 12: National Limerick Day #NationalLimerickDay
- May 12: National Receptionist Day #NationalReceptionistDay
- May 15: International Day of Families #FamilyDay
- May 16: Love a Tree Day #LoveATreeDay
- May 16: National BBQ Day #NationalBBQDay
- May 17: Day Against Homophobia & Transphobia #IDAHOT2021
- May 18: Indianapolis 500 #Indy500
- May 20: National Rescue Dog Day #NationalRescueDogDay
- May 21: Endangered Species Day #EndangeredSpeciesDay
- May 21: National Bike To Work Day #BikeToWorkDay #BTWD
- May 21: National Memo Day #NationalMemoDay
- May 24: National Road Trip Day #NationalRoadTripDay
- May 24: National Scavenger Hunt Day #NationalScavengerHuntDay
- May 28: Hamburger Day #NationalHamburgerDay
- May 28: Heat Awareness Day #NoFryDay
- May 29: Paperclip Day #PaperclipDay
- May 30: National Creativity Day #NationalCreativityDay
- May 31: Memorial Day #MemorialDay #MDW
- May 31: World No-Tobacco Day #NoTobacco
- May 31: National Smile Day #NationalSmileDay
June 2021
Bring color and joy to your social media channels by celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month, and don’t forget to ask fans to tag their bestie on Best Friend’s Day! Remember to pay close attention to trending hashtags and their meanings to create positive and viral posts.
See results with your social media marketing plan by adding dates such as:
- June 1-30: Pride Month #Pride #HappyPride
- June 1: Global Day of Parents #GlobalDayOfParents
- June 1: National Say Something Nice Day #SaySomethingNice
- June 2: Leave The Office Early Day #LeaveTheOfficeEarlyDay
- June 2: National Running Day #NationalRunningDay
- June 4: National Donut Day #DonutDay
- June 5: World Environment Day #WorldEnvironmentDay
- June 6: Higher Education Day #HigherEducationDay
- June 6: 34th annual National Cancer Survivors Day #NCSD2021
- June 8: World Oceans Day #WorldOceansDay
- June 8: Best Friends Day #BestFriendsDay
- June 9: Donald Duck Day: #DonaldDuckDay
- June 11: Make Life Beautiful Day #MakeLifeBeautiful
- June 13: International Children’s Day #ChildrensDay
- June 13: National Children’s Day #NationalChildrensDay
- June 14: Flag Day #FlagDay
- June 14: World Blood Donor Day #GiveBlood
- June 19: Juneteenth #Juneteenth
- June 20: First Day of Summer #SummerSolstice #FirstDayOfSummer #SummerBegins
- June 20: World Refugee Day #WorldRefugeeDay
- June 20: Father's Day #FathersDay
- June 21: National Selfie Day #SelfieDay #NationalSelfieDay
- June 21: World Music Day #WorldMusicDay
- June 21: International Yoga Day #InternationalYogaDay
- June 23: National Columnists’ Day #NationalColumnistDay
- June 24: National Handshake Day #HandshakeDay
- June 25: Take Your Dog to Work Day #TakeYourDogToWorkDay
- June 27: National Sunglasses Day #NationalSunglassesDay
- June 27: National PTSD Awareness Day #NationalPTSDAwarenessDay
- June 29: National Camera Day #NationalCameraDay
- June 30: Social Media Day #SMDay #SocialMediaDay
- June 30: National Postal Worker Day #NationalPostalWorkerDay
July 2021
You’re halfway through the year! By now, you’ve assessed a couple of quarters of results and adjusted your social media content strategy. Even though your fans are busy celebrating summer, July offers several national holidays to boost your brand awareness. It’s National Ice Cream Month, a fun holiday that almost all brands can add to their schedules.
Complete your calendar with these dates:
- July 1: International Joke Day #TellAJoke
- July 1: Canada Day #CanadaDay
- July 1: National Postal Worker Day #NationalPostalWorkerDay
- July 2: World UFO Day #WorldUFODay
- July 4: Independence Day #4thofJuly #July4th #IndependenceDay
- July 5: National Workaholic Day #NationalWorkaholicDay
- July 6: National Fried Chicken Day #NationalFriedChickenDay
- July 7: World Chocolate Day #WorldChocolateDay
- July 11: Cheer Up the Lonely Day #CheerUpTheLonelyDay
- July 12: Malala Day #MalalaDay
- July 12: National Simplicity Day #NationalSimplicityDay
- July 15: Give Something Away Day #GiveSomethingAwayDay
- July 15: Get To Know Your Customers Day Q3 #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
- July 17: World Emoji Day #WorldEmojiDay
- July 18: Nelson Mandela International Day #MandelaDay
- July 18: National Sour Candy Day #NationalSourCandyDay
- July 18: National Ice Cream Day #NationalIceCreamDay
- July 22: National Hammock Day: #NationalHammockDay
- July 25: Parents’ Day #ParentsDay
- July 26: Disability Independence Day #DisabilityIndependenceDay
- July 30: International Day of Friendship #DayOfFriendship
- July 30: Talk in an Elevator Day #TalkInAnElevatorDay
- July 31: National Mutt Day #NationalMuttDay
August 2021
Delight fans by requesting photos of their pets “working” on Work Like a Dog Day or share downloadable adult coloring templates to honor National Coloring Book Day. Regardless of the holiday, find unique ways to get your followers liking, commenting, and clicking on your posts.
Choose from popular days such as:
- August 1: Respect for Parents Day #RespectForParentsDay
- August 2: National Coloring Book Day #NationalColoringBookDay
- August 5: Work Like A Dog Day #WorkLikeADogDay
- August 8: International Cat Day #InternationalCatDay
- August 9: National Book Lovers Day #NationalBookLoversDay
- August 10: National Lazy Day #NationalLazyDay #LazyDay
- August 11: National Sons and Daughters Day #SonsAndDaughtersDay
- August 12: International Youth Day #YouthDay
- August 12: World Elephant Day #WorldElephantDay
- August 13: International Lefthanders Day #LefthandersDay
- August 13: Friday The 13th #FridayThe13th
- August 15: National Relaxation Day #NationalRelaxationDay
- August 16: National Tell A Joke Day #NationalTellAJokeDay
- August 17: National Nonprofit Day: #NationalNonprofitDay
- August 19: World Photography Day #WorldPhotographyDay #WorldPhotoDay
- August 19: World Humanitarian Day #WorldHumanitarianDay
- August 20: National Lemonade Day #NationalLemonadeDay
- August 21: Senior Citizens Day #SeniorCitizensDay
- August 26: Women’s Equality Day #WomensEqualityDay
- August 26: National Dog Day #NationalDogDay #DogDay
September 2021
Invite your guests to take center stage during National Hispanic Heritage Month or offer a daily motivational post leading up to the National Day of Encouragement. Add variety while repurposing your content by creating an Instagram Carousel showcasing inspirational quotes, photos, and videos.
Build a few of these days into your calendar:
- September 15-October 15: National Hispanic Heritage Month
- September 4: National Wildlife Day #NationalWildlifeDay
- September 5: International Day of Charity #CharityDay
- September 6: Read A Book Day #ReadABookDay
- September 6: Labor Day #LaborDay
- September 8: International Literacy Day #LiteracyDay
- September 9: National Teddy Bear Day #NationalTeddyBearDay
- September 10: Stand Up To Cancer Day #KissCancerGoodbye
- September 11: National Day of Service and Remembrance #911Day #PatriotDay, #DayOfServiceAndRemembrance
- September 12: National Day of Encouragement #DayOfEncouragement
- September 12: Civic Day of Hacking #HackForChange
- September 12: National Video Games Day #VideoGamesDay
- September 12: Grandparents Day #GrandparentsDay
- September 14: Live Creative Day: #LiveCreativeDay
- September 15: Online Learning Day #OnlineLearningDay
- September 19: International Talk Like A Pirate Day #TalkLikeAPirateDay
- September 21: International Day Of Peace #PeaceDay
- September 21: Miniature Golf Day #MiniGolfDay
- September 22: Car-Free Day #CarFreeDay
- September 22: Hobbit Day #HobbitDay
- September 22: Fall Begins #FirstDayOfFall #1stDayOfFall
- September 22: American Business Women’s Day #AmericanBusinessWomensDay
- September 26: European Day of Languages #EDL2021
- September 27: World Tourism Day #WTD2021
- September 27: National Scarf Day #NationalScarfDay
- September 28: World Rabies Day #WorldRabiesDay
- September 28: National Good Neighbor Day #GoodNeighborDay
- September 29: National Coffee Day #NationalCoffeeDay #InternationalCoffeeDay
- September 29: National Women’s Health and Fitness Day #FitnessDay
- September 30: International Podcast Day #InternationalPodcastDay
October 2021
October is an excellent month to partner with local businesses to throw your support behind National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Get involved with your community, and ask your audience to share stories and favorite charities.
Add another social media holiday to get more eyes on your campaigns:
- October 1: International Day of Older Persons #UNDOP
- October 1: World Vegetarian Day #WorldVegetarianDay
- October 1: International Coffee Day #InternationalCoffeeDay
- October 2: Day of Nonviolence #InternationalDayOfNonviolence
- October 2: Name Your Car Day #NameYourCarDay
- October 3: National Techies Day #TechiesDay
- October 4: World Smile Day #WorldSmileDay
- October 4: World Animal Day #WorldAnimalDay
- October 4: National Taco Day #NationalTacoDay
- October 4: World Habitat Day #WorldHabitatDay
- October 5: World Teachers Day #WorldTeachersDay
- October 5: Do Something Nice Day #DoSomethingNiceDay
- October 7: National LED Light Day #NationalLEDLightDay
- October 10: World Mental Health Day #WorldMentalHealthDay
- October 11: National Coming Out Day #NationalComingOutDay
- October 11: International Day Of The Girl #DayOfTheGirl
- October 11: Indigenous Peoples’ Day #indigenouspeoplesday
- October 13: National Train Your Brain Day #TrainYourBrainDay
- October 14: World Sight Day #WorldSightDay
- October 14: National Dessert Day #DessertDay
- October 15: Global Handwashing Day #GlobalHandwashingDay
- October 16: National Boss’s Day #BossDay #BossesDay
- October 16: World Food Day #WorldFoodDay #FoodDay
- October 17: Eradication of Poverty Day #EndPoverty
- October 18: Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day #CleanYourVirtualDesktopDay
- October 20: World Statistics Day #StatisticsDay
- October 21: Reptile Awareness Day #ReptileAwarenessDay
- October 21: Get To Know Your Customers Day Q4 #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay
- October 23: iPod Day #iPodDay
- October 24: United Nations Day #UNDay
- October 25: Greasy Foods Day #GreasyFoodsDay
- October 28: National Chocolate Day #NationalChocolateDay
- October 29: National Cat Day #NationalCatDay
- October 30: National Publicist Day #NationalPublicist
- October 30: Checklist Day #ChecklistDay
- October 31: Halloween #Halloween
This Halloween, 58% of consumers will celebrate the spooky holiday. Image source: Author
November 2021
Appeal to the guys on your list by serving up extra value during November and focusing on men’s health issues. Share polls about men’s health, statistics, or infographics with warning signs.
Plus, draw attention to local entrepreneurs and small businesses by spotlighting various social media followers or local companies in your feed for National Entrepreneurs’ Day and Small Business Saturday.
Pick a holiday or two that fits your November theme:
- November 1: National Author’s Day #NationalAuthorsDay
- November 1: World Vegan Day #WorldVeganDay
- November 1: National Cook For Your Pets Day #CookForYourPetsDay
- November 3: Election Day #ElectionDay, #Election2021 #iVoted
- November 3: National Sandwich Day #NationalSandwichDay
- November 3: National Housewives Day #NationalHousewivesDay
- November 4: National Candy Day #NationalCandyDay
- November 7: Daylight Saving Time Ends #DaylightSavings
- November 8: National Cappuccino Day #CappuccinoDay
- November 8: STEM Day #STEMDay
- November 10: Forget Me Not Day #ForgetMeNotDay
- November 11: Veterans Day #VeteransDay
- November 13: World Kindness Day #WorldKindnessDay #WKD
- November 13: Friday The 13th #FridayThe13th
- November 14: World Diabetes Day #WDD
- November 15: Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day #CleanOutYourRefrigeratorDay
- November 15: America Recycles Day #BeRecycled
- November 16: International Day for Tolerance #ToleranceDay
- November 16: National Fast Food Day #NationalFastFoodDay
- November 17: International Students Day #InternationalStudentsDay
- November 17: National Entrepreneurs’ Day #EntrepreneursDay
- November 19: International Men’s Day #InternationalMensDay
- November 20: Universal Children’s Day #UNChildrensDay
- November 21: World Hello Day #WorldHelloDay
- November 25: Thanksgiving #Thanksgiving
- November 26: National Cake Day #NationalCakeDay
- November 26: Black Friday #BlackFriday
- November 26: National Day of Listening #DayOfListening
- November 27: Small Business Saturday #ShopSmall #SmallBusinessSaturday
- November 28: Hanukkah #Hanukkah #HappyHanukkah
- November 29: Electronic Greeting Card Day #ElectronicGreetingsDay
- November 29: Cyber Monday #CyberMonday
- November 30: Computer Security Day #ComputerSecurityDay
- November 30: Giving Tuesday #GivingTuesday
December 2021
End the year with a bang by creating posts counting down until Christmas. Consider giving away brand-related prizes that ease your fans’ holiday-related problems or sharing a custom crossword puzzle on Crossword Puzzle Day.
Add posts that coordinate with these holidays:
- December 1: World AIDS Day #WAD2021 #WorldAIDSDay
- December 3: Persons with Disabilities Day #IDPWD
- December 4: National Sock Day #NationalSockDay
- December 4: National Cookie Day #NationalCookieDay
- December 5: World Soil Day #WorldSoilDay
- December 6: Microwave Oven Day #MicrowaveOvenDay
- December 8: National Bartender Day #NationalBartenderDay
- December 8: Pretend to Be a Time Traveler Day #PretendToBeATimeTravelerDay
- December 10: Human Rights Day #HumanRightsDay
- December 10: Nobel Prize Day #NobelPrize
- December 10: National Salesperson Day #SalespersonDay
- December 11: International Mountain Day #InternationalMountainDay
- December 11: National App Day #NationalAppDay
- December 18: Super Saturday #SuperSaturday
- December 21: First Day of Winter #WinterSolstice
- December 21: Crossword Puzzle Day #CrosswordPuzzleDay
- December 23: Festivus #Festivus
- December 24: Christmas Eve #ChristmasEve
- December 25: Christmas #ChristmasDay #MerryChristmas
- December 26: Boxing Day #BoxingDay
- December 27: No Interruptions Day #NoInterruptionsDay
- December 29: Tick Tock Day #TickTockDay
- December 31: New Year’s Eve #NYE #NYE2021
Plan for a new year
Go back through your campaigns and check engagement rates for your social media holiday posts. Use this information to design a robust social media calendar for 2021 while simplifying your social media management process so you have more time to interact with, and respond to, your growing fan base.