Lest you be focusing just on the bigger stories in the financial press, such as courtroom ramifications for Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia (NYSE:MSO) stock, Michael Eisner's struggles at Disney (NYSE:DIS), or McDonald's (NYSE:MCD) downsizing its fries, here's a brief recap of some recent and weird financial news:

  • Take care with your writing. A lawyer failed to do so, and a judge slashed his hourly fee in half, to $150 per hour -- on account of typos, for one.

  • To save your town some money, think twice before striking motionless yoga poses in public places. Nearly 50 police and rescue personnel, along with several helicopters, were used in Oakland, Calif. over a two-day period, trying to locate an alleged dead body that turned out to be a man deep in meditation.

  • Workers in the credit card industry -- such as those who toil for Capital One Financial (NYSE:COF) or MBNA (NYSE:KRB) -- might want to be on the alert for unpleasant surprises. In South Korea, the No. 3 credit card issuer just fired 24% of its employees via a mobile-phone text message.

  • Supermarkets (and other retailers) tend to sport very low profit margins, hoping to make their fortune on volume. But competition is creating a lot of pressure, especially from the likes of Wal-Mart (NYSE:WMT). So grocery chains such as Albertson's (NYSE:ABS) and Kroger (NYSE:KR) might want to consider branching out into a new service line: weddings. A couple in England recently became the first to marry in a supermarket.

  • Investors in companies that make wooden shoes, beware! Apparently, some noises in libraries are okay, but other noises are not. A Michigan library recently decided to permit cell phones, but nixed the wooden shoes worn by local residents of Dutch heritage during the Tulip Time festival.

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Longtime Fool contributor Selena Maranjian doesn't own shares of any companies mentioned in this article.