In the video below, Fool analyst Austin Smith highlights three reasons to buy SodaStream and its disruptive home carbonation system technology.

1. Great numbers
The company sells at about 20 times earnings despite a recent pop in the stock price. This is in line with valuations for Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. Unlike Coke or Pepsi, SodaStream enjoys a 50% top-line growth rate and carries no debt -- a rare combination for a growth company.

2. A sustainable business model
SodaStream employs a "razor and blades" model in which, after the initial sale of the carbonation device, consumers continue buying items such as bottles and CO2 cartridges. This helps maintain revenue.

3. Tailwinds
The company is coming off the 2012 holiday shopping season with more retailers than ever carrying its products in the U.S. market. Americans are looking for healthier drink alternatives and SodaStream offers this. Americans are also looking for greener alternatives, and SodaStream bottles are usable for two years rather than simply once like most soft drink bottles.