Here's an inside look and listen at a recent recommendation from the team at Motley Fool Inside Value, who spend their time searching for deeply undervalued companies that will help investors preserve capital, minimize risk, and achieve long-term, market-beating returns.

Here's just a bit of what Inside Value advisor Philip Durell had to say about VCA Antech (Nasdaq: WOOF), the big dog in the pet-care industry:

VCA Antech has a relatively high debt load, which it will need to refinance in 2011. In my opinion, the company can handle this debt because it produces such consistent cash flow. It has deliberately built up its cash position as the debt maturity approaches, and as a precaution against a recurrence of last year's credit freeze.

Listen to Philip and fellow Inside Value advisors Joe Magyer and Andy Louis-Charles discuss VCA Antech. (Approximate running time: 10 minutes.)

This material was originally published in the April 2010 issue of Motley Fool Inside Value. If you would like to see the full recommendation, a free 30-day trial to the service is available by clicking here. You'll have free access to everything the Inside Value team has to offer.