Of course, not everyone picked up on the joke. Still, we received some astounding and quite touching notes of support...

"Your site's pages load 91% faster than other financial sites do -- feel better?

"Your graph may have been upside down, but your integrity remains right side up."

"I have seldom heard the words "We were Wrong" or "We are sorry". Never in financial matters. It gives me comfort to know that yor are honorable men who will "own up" when you discover an error. Thanks again for renewing my faith in the American male."

"I am impressed that you have not tried to avoid the issue, gloss over it or, blame others. Humbling as it may be I have no doubt your concern for accuracy is enhanced infinitely. As a matter of fact, I am inclined to take your messages a bit more seriously."

"You done good, even when you were dead wrong. MORAL of the story is that no one should ever totally believe any investment source, but should consider it only as a piece of the whole picture. Brave apology on your part. Thanks."

"Good luck with the lawsuits, if you need some legal representation, call me."

"Take a deep breath and relax. Everyone makes mistakes now and then. At least you guys were Fools enough to admit it. All I can say is, "Keep up the hard work and honesty!""

"Hey guys, it takes an awfully big person to admit a mistake, especially one extolled to millions of people over the last four years. You did a good thing owning up! Did you call back your intern and offer him a job?"

"Your candid and prompt apology is refreshing. Your overall message is sound and the forum you provide special. Please keep up the good work. I look forward to potential new section on mutual funds and through fool review may be what the industry needs."