A Horse

by Harry Jones

(March 5, 1999) -- A horse's weight is mainly borne on the walls of his hooves. When a hoof wall wrongly sinks downward and inward, the weight of the horse is put on the sole of the foot. The sole of the foot isn't meant to hold weight. So this results in bruises on the sole and a lame horse. You shoe them, but flat feet are hard to properly shoe on a horse. The horse won't ever get up and run like it should. We haven't had a lame horse here for probably ten years, even though you always come across a few when you keep horses.

The S&P rose 2.3% today.

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03/05/99 Close

Stock Change Close SPY +2 7/8 127.91
Day Month Year History HARRY +2.30% 3.52% 0.22% 0.22% S&P: +2.31% 3.00% 3.76% 3.76% NASDAQ: +1.93% 2.15% 6.59% 6.59% Rec'd # Security In At Now Change 1/4/99 16 S&P Depos 127.63 127.91 0.22% Rec'd # Security In At Value Change 1/4/99 16 S&P Depos 2042.00 2046.50 $4.50 CASH $0.00 TOTAL $2046.50 Yesterday Today Change S&P Depos 125.03 127.91 SPY +2 7/8


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