Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) looks to shake up the juice market with an appeal to people who crave health. Reuters reported Friday that the company, well-known for its non-nutritious carbonated drinks, plans to launch a cholesterol-lowering orange juice under its Minute Maid label.

The juice will appeal to those interested in lowering their cholesterol and associated heart risk. That much is obvious in the name, Minute Maid Premium Heart Wise. While this is a new twist, it's not a new theme.

Coke is well aware that juices can offer benefits beyond the traditional vitamin C. Other Minute Maid products already are fortified with calcium and its partner vitamin D.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 105 million Americans have cholesterol levels over the 200 level considered unhealthy. Of these, 42 million are in the high-risk category, with levels over 240. Heart disease, heart attacks, and the need for angioplasty or some such procedure are the risks associated with high cholesterol levels.

As more people catch on that healthy foods can enhance or improve health, this will be a good move for Coke. Alternative health is a major trend, as reflected in the popularity of stores such as Whole Foods Market (NASDAQ:WFMI), which cater to mindful eating. People are ingesting all kinds of supplements to ward off disease, and companies that provide beverages with healthful properties or additives seem sure to cash in.

Earlier this month, W.D. Crotty outlined the threat makers of high-carbohydrate orange juices could face from the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins and South Beach diets.

Clearly, times are changing, and Coke is adapting with new angles to lure people to its juice. Selling people on their ability to lower cholesterol just by drinking juice seems a pretty smart start.

Alyce Lomax, who drinks more Diet Coke than any human being should, welcomes your feedback at [email protected].