It appears that Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) has done it again. It's been less than 20 days since Apple launched video capability in iTunes, not to mention its new video-enabled iPods, but it said that it can already celebrate the one millionth video download benchmark.

Yes indeed, despite the fact that Apple offered only music videos, several popular shows from Disney's (NYSE:DIS) ABC Network (including runaway hits Lost and Desperate Housewives), and some short films from Pixar (NASDAQ:PIXR) in its debut, it appears that folks ate up the content. It's no wonder that Apple is already smugly proclaiming that it is once again proving that there is a market for legal downloads. It has good reason to be smug -- it's been no secret that Apple already proved it once before with music.

Given the fact that this benchmark has come very quickly, despite the fact that Apple's iTunes service boasted only 2,000 pieces of video content, it does stand to reason that there's plenty of opportunity out there.

Of course, there are still some questions at hand. For example, maybe the market will be geared more toward shorter-form content rather than longer-form content such as movies. Also, curiosity and the novelty factor might have driven a lot of downloads, as well, as iTunes users wanted to see what the fuss was all about, or to decide whether they really will like their video content served up in this manner.

Regardless, Apple is clearly going to expand what content is available through iTunes -- and that's going to be another interesting element to watch, whether Apple can negotiate with content providers to allow for the distribution of such content at price points that will make everybody happy. And that might prove a challenge indeed. Two Fools posed the idea that Apple could also bring different kinds of video content -- or shows that have small cult followings -- to the small screen for a nominal fee. (See the articles here and here.)

One thing seems clear: It won't be too long before we find out just how far and how fast Apple can go with video.

For more on Apple's video escapades, see the following articles:

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Alyce Lomax does not own shares of any of the companies mentioned.