Think your soy milk is organic? If you recently shopped at Target (NYSE:TGT), you might want to hesitate before you add some Silk to your grain coffee.

The Associated Press reports that Target has admitted to incorrectly identifying Silk soy milk as organic in some recent newspaper ads. Silk, a product of Dean Foods' (NYSE:DF) WhiteWave division, is always made from non-genetically-modified soybeans, but not all of the beans are organic. That's where Target slipped up.

The director of the Cornucopia Institute, the farm-policy group that brought the complaint, doesn't think Target was intentionally misleading people. But with so many conventional stores and grocery chains cashing in on the organic craze -- from Target to Wal-Mart Stores (NYSE:WMT) to Kroger (NYSE:KR) -- you have to wonder just how often these mistakes will keep popping up. Even Reynolds American (NYSE:RAI) is getting into the act with additive-free smokes.

Those of us who follow an organic diet rely on labels to tell us the truth. Would stories like this make you more likely to stick to merchants such as Whole Foods (NASDAQ:WFMI), which specialize in organics, or are you willing to take your chances with the stores that are just jumping on the organic bandwagon? Let us know in the comments box below.

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