Today, Andrew discusses (Nasdaq: AMZN), which recently announced the release of its Kindle Fire 2. Everything about the move makes sense to Andrew, and he believes the online retail store can challenge companies such as Apple within the mini-tablet market. The improvements should look slick across the board, and the upcoming launch should prepare Amazon nicely for retailer's fourth-quarter boom.

Similar to Amazon, the amount of Apple stock in your portfolio has been a key factor in whether you're stomping the market in recent years. However, with the company preparing its most important phone launch in history with the iPhone 5 and looking at a game-changing television, the stakes have never been higher for Apple. If you're looking for how to play Apple in the coming months, The Motley Fool has created a brand-new report listing not only the opportunities facing Apple, but also what to look for to know when to sell. The report not only comes with a write-up from one of our top analysts but includes continuing updates whenever news strikes the company. Click here to get started today!