Today, industrials editor and analyst Brendan Byrnes discusses Boeing and its newest big-time orders. Two deals from Silkair and China Southern Airlines for a combined 94 jets were announced recently, helping Boeing continue its pace to beat rival Airbus on orders this year. The order from China Southern Airlines is important as Boeing increasingly taps the world's fastest-growing aviation market, where demand for around 5,000 planes over the next two decades is expected. Increasing worries about a possible aviation bubble have scared some investors, and Brendan thinks this bears watching, including keeping an eye on aircraft financing and the general health of the airlines. Check out the video below for more on these big orders for Boeing -- and the state of the industry. 

Boeing is one American company that's getting a significant amount of its revenues abroad, and is even responsible for a whopping 2% of all exports from the U.S. But Boeing is far from the only company taking advantage of this booming opportunity. Check out our free report, "3 American Companies Set to Dominate the World," for analysis on our favorite American companies taking advantage of high-growth emerging markets. Click here to get your free copy before it’s gone.