When it comes to retirement, few questions are as hotly debated as how long one should wait before applying for Social Security benefits.

The typical advice is to wait as long as possible. This follows from the fact that the size of your monthly benefits is related in part to the age at which you apply for them.

If you apply at age 62, then your monthly check will be 25% smaller than if you wait until full retirement at 66. But if you hold out until turning 70, then your check will be 32% larger than at 66.

Yet, it can't be denied that there are clear benefits associated with applying for benefits early. Among other things, and this is of course obvious, you'll begin receiving checks sooner than if you wait, which, in turn, could facilitate an earlier retirement.

So, what's the right answer? As I discuss in the presentation below, that depends less on an impersonal analysis of the numbers, and more on when you want or need to take them.

How to boost your income in retirement
A handful of little-known "Social Security secrets" could boost your retirement income by as much as $60,000. One MarketWatch reporter has even argued that if more Americans used them, the government would have to shell out an extra $10 billion every year! To learn more about these secrets, simply click here to receive your free copy of our new report that details how to take advantage of these strategies today.

Is Taking Social Security Benefits at 62 a Bad Idea? from OneMarlandRoad.