More than a million people will be awarded a bachelor's degree in the next month. 


Not that you asked, but a few words of advice...

If a company didn't hire you because your SAT scores weren't good enough, don't feel bad. Be relieved. A company that short-sighted is probably a miserable place to work anyway.

Once you're hired, no one cares what school you went to. They care about: Whether you're pleasant to work with, whether you're good at your job, and whether you make them feel good about themselves (in that order).

Be totally honest in job interviews. Embrace reality if you're not a good fit.

Don't feel bad changing careers. The odds that you have your life figured out at age 22 are barely higher than at age 18.

Get comfortable with the idea that some of what you were taught in school doesn't apply to the real world. You'll have to unlearn some things.

A long commute will ruin your life. There are only so many good podcasts that can support your sanity through rush hour.

A strict office dress code is your first sign that things are about to suck.

People get accustomed to their income, but the misery of an awful workplace and long hours are enduring.

Don't suck up to your boss. They can smell your insincerity from a mile away. Impress them with good work.

Realize that a pound of emotional intelligence is worth a ton of book intelligence.

Say "I don't know" when you don't know.

Live in a big city at least once, and not one you grew up in.

Realize that some things you're certain are true are either wrong or incomplete.

Realize that your youth is the biggest investment asset you have. You probably have 40 years in front of you to invest. Warren Buffett couldn't dream about that kind of advantage.

Change your mind when the facts change.

Avoid people who don't.

You're under no obligation to have an opinion about anything.

You have a strict obligation to not have an opinion about things you don't understand.

Get over the idea that because you're done with college, you're done learning. You've barely begun.

Make a budget. Stick to it.

Don't complain about your student loans. You took them out. Nothing you can do about it now. Figure out the most practical way to pay them off as soon as possible.

Learn Excel. I don't know why more schools don't emphasize this. You'll use it in most jobs, and it will make your life easier.

Read books. I love Twitter as much as anyone, but some topics take length to explain.

Don't argue politics. With anyone. It's a waste of energy. The odds that you'll change someone else's mind are the same that they will change yours.

Realize that rational people can disagree.

Don't make big decisions when you're emotional. The odds that you'll regret them approach 100%.

Realize that everyone's point of view is a product of the people they've met and the experiences they've had in life, most of which are outside of their control. This includes yourself. 

Good luck. 

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