Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) has opened its Windows Phone 7 Marketplace for all registered users. However, key services for developers are still missing and revenues will be not be paid out until early 2011.

Microsoft has removed a substantial barrier that put the brakes on app submissions to the Marketplace. There is no special registration necessary anymore. All registered developers can now submit apps and offer them for sale. Microsoft will continue to be offering quite a bit of support to help developers optimize their apps. For example, until March 31, 2011, developers will have free access to Dotfuscator for Windows Phone, provided by PreEmptive Solutions.

The main reason Microsoft is offering Dotfuscator, however, is that its own report services about download performance are not functional yet. Microsoft also informed developers that even if apps are made available already and sales are actually happening, Microsoft will not be making payments until "early 2011." The company will add up the sales until then and pay out the entire amount at once.

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