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Are Pools Covered by Homeowners Insurance?

David Chang, ChFC®, CLU®
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Most people know that their homeowners insurance policy covers the structure of their home in the event of damage from a covered peril. But what about swimming pools? Are they covered? How are they covered? Let's take a look.

Are swimming pools covered by homeowners insurance?

Homeowners insurance typically covers swimming pools, but your actual coverage will vary based on the type of pool you own as well as your insurer. If you have an in-ground pool, it will be covered by your dwelling or other structures coverage. If you have an above-ground pool that is portable, then it may be covered under your personal property policy. If your pool is covered by your policy, then it will also be covered by your liability coverage.

The main consideration for insurers is typically the safety of swimmers, and they may ask questions about pool gates, fences, and other barriers to prevent injuries from slipping and falling. So it's important to clarify exactly what your policy covers in terms of pool ownership before you decide to purchase one.

For example, some policies will only cover pools if they are used for recreational purposes and not left unattended for long periods of time. Additionally, most policies will only cover damages caused by certain types of events, such as severe weather or theft. Be sure to check with your insurer to see what is specifically covered under your policy.

How are pools covered by homeowners insurance?

Homeowners insurance covers a variety of aspects of your home and property. An in-ground swimming pool is typically covered by your homeowners insurance policy in the same way as your home's structure. An above-ground pool is typically covered by your homeowners insurance policy in the same way as your personal belongings.

Many standard homeowners insurance policies have limits on how much coverage is provided for pools. This means that if you have a particularly valuable pool, you may need to purchase additional coverage to insure it for its full value. You can add scheduled personal property coverage to raise your coverage limits.

Does homeowners insurance cover pool damage?

Your homeowners insurance policy will only cover damage caused by a covered peril. Perils typically include things like fire, wind, hail, and lightning. If you live in an area where earthquakes or tornadoes are common, you will likely need to purchase additional coverage to insure your pool against damage from these perils.

Damage caused by flooding is not typically covered by homeowners insurance policies. If you live in an area that is susceptible to flooding, you will need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy to cover your pool (and your home) in the event of potential flood damage. Your homeowners insurance policy also won't cover any damage due to wear and tear, lack of maintenance for your pool, and failure to properly service and care for it.

How much does it cost to insure a swimming pool?

Because your pool is officially called an "attractive nuisance" by your insurance company, your premiums will generally be higher with a pool. Pools are called this because they are attractive additions to your home, and they can be dangerous and lead to expensive claims.

The cost to insure your pool will be based on your insurer, your location, type of pool, and the safety features of your pool. Your monthly premiums can increase from $50 to $75 for your pool. This number will be higher if you increase your liability coverage as well.

Homeowners insurance liability coverage for pools

If your homeowners insurance policy covers your pool, then it will also provide liability coverage. Liability coverage helps cover injuries, medical expenses, and legal fees. Most standard policies offer coverage from $100,000 to $500,000 in liability coverage. A pool will increase your liability exposure since there is the possibility that someone can get hurt or drown while using it. As a result, many experts believe that homeowners who have a pool should increase their liability to the maximum or add an umbrella insurance policy to provide additional coverage.

Are there requirements to guarantee coverage for swimming pools?

Pool coverage can vary widely depending on a number of factors. Here are what some insurance providers may require to qualify for swimming pool coverage.

Safety features

Insurance providers may require certain safety features such as fencing or alarms, safety lights, non-skid surface diving boards, and more. You will need to talk to your homeowners insurance company to find out more.

Professional inspection

Others may require that a professional inspection be done before covering the pool, and some companies may require regular testing and maintenance of the water quality and chemical levels in order to maintain coverage.

Medical equipment

Some insurers may require you to have medical safety equipment like a throwing rope, a safety hook, a first aid kit, a poolside medical alert system, and more.

Ultimately, it is up to each individual insurance provider to determine the exact requirements for pool coverage based on their own guidelines. While these requirements may be difficult to meet at times, they are designed to ensure that everyone who wants to enjoy their swimming pool can do so with peace of mind.

Pool safety and damage prevention

Overall, homeowners insurance is an essential part of maintaining safe and secure property for any family that includes a pool. Whether you own a small above-ground pool or an elaborate in-ground one, having adequate coverage is key to protecting both your investment and those who use it.

The specific terms and conditions of individual policies will vary, so it is important to check with your insurer before assuming that you are fully protected in the event of a pool disaster. Factors like the type and age of your pool as well as any specific safety features may impact your level of coverage under a homeowners insurance policy. Ultimately, having a clear understanding of exactly what your policy does and does not cover can help you be prepared for all eventualities.


  • Because swimming pools increase your liability risk, all swimming pools should be insured to help cover the costs of damage and pool-related injuries.

  • Insurance providers may require certain safety features, such as non-skid surface diving boards, in order to insure your pool. It will be important to clarify exactly what your policy covers in terms of pool ownership.

  • Injuries and accidents related to your pool will be covered under your home insurance's liability coverage. However, some will require certain safety requirements to be met in order for your pool to be covered.