My Mailman

By Harry Jones

(Jan. 8, 1999) -- The Harry Jones Portfolio rose 0.74% today, and the S&P 500 rose 0.43%.

My mailman heard from my wife about my new investment, and I believe he was quite surprised by this. Yesterday, he told me something he had heard on one of those money shows. Leaned out of his truck and wanted to hear what I thought.

Fellow was from Money Magazine and said: "Investors shouldn't measure their mutual funds gains against the S&P 500, but compare them instead against other funds... if people focus on the fact that their fund made 14% or so, they would feel pretty good about their returns."

I understand that the S&P 500 was up 28% last year.

Big hat, no cattle.

 Recent Harry Jones Portfolio Headlines
  08/26/99  Is it a Nifty 500? Part II
  08/19/99  Is it a Nifty 500? Part I
  08/12/99  Illuminating Index Funds, Part Two
  08/05/99  Illuminating Index Funds
  07/29/99  The Foolishness of Index Funds
Harry Jones Portfolio Archives »  

01/08/99 Close

Stock Change Bid SPY +15/16 127.75
Day Month Year History Annualized HARRY +0.74% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.02% S&P: +0.43% 3.74% 3.74% 3.74% 0.83% NASDAQ: +0.79% 6.92% 6.92% 6.92% 1.52% Rec'd # Security In At Now Change Yest. 1/4/99 16 S&P Depos 127.63 127.75 0.10% 126.81 Rec'd # Security In At Value Change 1/4/99 16 S&P Depos 2042.00 2044.00 $2.00 CASH $0.00 TOTAL $2044.00


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