There's a new kind of job seeker -- a career-conscious job seeker who's not just looking for the hottest new job, but an inspiring career path. And that's the kind of employee you want to hire.
"Companies look for career-conscious employees because, frankly, self-motivated people make the best team members," explains Ellen Mullarkey, vice president of business development for Messina Group. "They show up on time, and tend to perform far higher than expected." Adding to their wide appeal, "These are the people who go home and read books about their industry not only because they want to succeed in their field, but because they truly love it," Mullarkey says.

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Hiring career-conscious job seekers affects your business' bottom line, too: "From a financial standpoint, career-conscious employees are less of a risk than the people who are just showing up for a paycheck," says Mullarkey. And here's why: "It costs a lot of money to train a new employee. So, if a company can mitigate this risk, it makes sense for them to do so," she says.
So, how can you attract such a valuable job seeker to your organization?
What makes them different than your average job seeker is they "tend to have a vision for their future, which gives them the motivation to learn and grow," says Mullarkey. And so, to attract a career-conscious job seeker, you must appeal to their future -- not just the present, she explains.
Here's how to do that, according to experts.
Showcase a culture of learning
"While a consistent paycheck is one reason for staying with a current employer, many workers want more," says Sheryl LaPlace, senior human resource specialist at Insperity, who adds that "Employees often leave a company when they feel they have learned all they can in their current job and want to seek new challenges." To attract career-conscious job seekers, then, it's smart to "create a culture of learning and provide opportunities for career growth," LaPlace explains. "For example, job shadowing or cross-training programs can give employees the chance to learn new skills and work with others while expanding their knowledge and commitment to the company."
Be clear on your mission
Career-conscious job seekers don't want to work for just any ol' company: "Today's employees, particularly millennials, want to work for a company that has a purpose," says Mullarkey. "When they go to work, they want to feel like they're making a difference." And so, Mullarkey suggests using your company's platform to do good -- such as raising money for charity or donating goods to the underprivileged -- which may catch the eye of the career conscious. "The more publicized your non-profit initiatives are, the more career-conscious candidates you'll attract," she says.
Boast customized benefits
When it comes to career-conscious job seekers, high pay alone may not be enough to attract or keep them, says Chris Chancey, founder of Amplio Recruiting. Instead, they may look for jobs that offer other benefits, such as work-life balance, he says. "You will want to position yourself as a company that cares for its people and offers benefits that meet employees' needs," he says.
One perk a career-conscious job seeker might like is reimbursement for additional education, says Mullarkey. "This comes back to motivation," she explains. "If your employees are driven enough to go to college after work, they're probably a valuable resource for your company."
Another perk they'll love? Flexibility. "Organizations that offer flexible schedules to support workers with family commitments or allow employees to work remotely on certain days can help build loyalty and promote greater work-life balance," suggests LaPlace. "Promoting fluidity can help employees stay motivated and engaged and help companies attract career-focused talent."
Demonstrate clear career paths
But perhaps the most important thing you'll need in order to attract career-conscious job seekers? The ability to demonstrate they can have a solid and promising trajectory for their careers at your company, Chancey says. "They will seek out employers that actually demonstrate the availability of meaningful, real, upward-focused growth opportunities," Chancey says. So, "From employee testimonials to robust career pages, show prospective employers how others in your company have actually advanced in their career from the time they started working there," he suggests.
Remember, the candidate of tomorrow isn't going to be wowed simply by a job description. They're looking for a career that challenges and motivates them, and a company that is innovative and investing in culture. They are proactive about their career, not just the next job. They aren't afraid to change jobs to move their career forward faster. However, they are more likely to move to a company that's a better cultural fit, one that values transparency. If you want the best, use Glassdoor to hire quality candidates faster!
This article originally appeared on