Alphabet's (GOOG -0.54%) (GOOGL -0.49%) YouTube is taking steps to integrate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into its content platform. But is the move about quickly cashing in on a popular trend or building an enduring system for these digital assets?

In this video from "The Virtual Opportunities Show," recorded on Jan. 25, Fool contributors Demitri Kalogeropoulos and Jose Najarro discuss YouTube's evolving plans for this new digital asset medium. 

Jose Najarro: This is a pretty cool article. I didn't dig too much into it, but I'm giving Google the benefit of the doubt. I feel like NFTs don't always have to be a money-grabbing method. One thing that I really do enjoy from YouTube, I don't know if I'm just being biased as a creator myself, but it's the ability to communicate with your fans. These NFTs, I can see like let's say my 10,000th subscriber, my 20,000th subscriber gets a free trophy of free NFT to some extent where it's not a purchasing thing, but it's just the way that, hey, the fan also feels they were part of the process of having this creator growth throughout its, his or her YouTube career. I can see it being more a trophy way to integrate both the fans and the creators. That seems like a pretty cool method.

Demitri Kalogeropoulos: I just added, that's a cool article, I tend to as an investor, I don't think YouTube gets quite enough credit, I think because it's bundled in the massive Alphabet world. But I remind myself the No. 1 trafficked website on the planet is, of course No. 2 is YouTube and it's a massive business and so it's really cool that they're doing that and I'm going to be following that.

I think Google reports earnings next week or a week from today it will be Feb. 1 after the market closes. That's definitely something I'll be watching.