Motley Fool Explorer is a premium newsletter service, singling out a promising industry with every monthly exploration. A team of analysts then narrows its researching efforts to drum up stock picks in businesses that matter. Motley Fool Explorer engages in deep research and expert consensus, fishing out fresh recommendations every month. Motley Fool Explorer is a new spin-off of Motley Fool Supernova, giving investors a more economical way to gain access to that popular service's monthly Explorer missives.
Motley Fool Explorer is always taking off
Motley Fool Explorer is a unique newsletter experience in that all of the monthly selections are active recommendations of Motley Fool Co-founder David Gardner, who over the past two decades has set himself apart as a master picker of dynamic growth stocks. Every month begins with the Explorer team that David has hand-picked deciding on a master theme and four stocks contending to be that month's winning selection. Some of the themes that Motley Fool Explorer has tackled in earlier months include virtual reality, cybersecurity, and cloud-based companies.
All four of the monthly finalists are part of the Supernova Universe, consisting of David's active recommendations in the Motley Fool Stock Advisor and Motley Fool Rule Breakers newsletter services. David has made it his calling to unearth disruptive growth stocks early in the defiance process, identifying many of the market's bigger winners over the years before the rest of the investing public realizes their potential.
The Motley Fool then calls in experts across all of its newsletter services to provide in-depth reports on all four contenders. The service will ultimately decide on a single monthly winner by month's end, but subscribers are getting great looks inside four explosive growth stocks every single month.
The four deep dives are then vetted by David's team of master investors later in the month -- a collection of market pros that David calls Supernauts -- settling on the ultimate champ for Motley Fool Explorer members.
Making the most out of Motley Fool Explorer
Motley Fool Explorer crowns its winner during the fourth week of every month, but the real victors are the subscribers that do more than consider adding the month's final recommendation. After all, a lot of research went into the reports of the three contenders that didn't make the cut.
All four of the finalists are already active picks in one of David Gardner's other services. He believes that all four have the potential to beat the market, or else they wouldn't be in his Supernova Universe of current recommendations in the first place. The Supernauts-selected winner is the ultimate recommendation, but Motley Fool Explorer subscribers are getting an additional layer of research on four great stocks with a lot of promise.
Motley Fool Explorer is no ordinary newsletter service
A lot of investing brain power goes into every monthly theme at Motley Fool Explorer. We start with the Supernova Universe of growth stocks that have already been vetted by David Gardner. Once the Motley Fool Explorer team has identified the month's theme and the four finalists it's time to call in four newsletter analysts that know these four companies inside and out. Once they have their say we bring in the Supernauts, seasoned market watchers that will single out the winner.
Motley Fool Explorer may be a single newsletter service, but a lot of market-savvy analysts and investors get called in to make sure that every month's top recommendation is a strong candidate for your portfolio. Click here to learn more about Motley Fool Explorer, and start making the money-making decisions that could put you on path to sustainable wealth.