In an interview from Motley Fool Live, recorded on July 7, Jay Jacobs, U.S. Head of Thematics and Active Equity ETFs at BlackRock (BLK), discusses a report by his investment management firm that explores three interesting transformations that investors should watch for in the coming months.

Jay Jacobs: Over the last two and half years, we've had profound permanent changes in how we work and how we live. What we're really trying to do with this paper is understand what are those permanent changes that have occurred over the last several years, and what are the growth opportunities that those changes have created.

We identified these three different areas where we see really powerful changes emerging in various industrial renaissance where during the pandemic we had a very digital environment and now the pendulum is swinging back toward the physical to securing our supply chains. We're also seeing some of the medical innovations that occurred during the pandemic, like mRNA-based vaccines, understanding how does this set healthcare off in a different trajectory going forward.

Then finally thinking about how consumers have changed. The pandemic didn't slow the rise of millennials. It didn't slow the rise of the emerging market consumer and how each of these groups spend money differently and have unique preferences. The pandemic obviously was a major challenge for the economy and for society but in those challenges created profound opportunities.