Don’t Even Think About Buying a Home Until You Can Pass This Quiz

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What is private mortgage insurance?

Private mortgage insurance is insurance you purchase to protect your lender, not you, in case you fall behind on your mortgage payments. It typically costs 0.5% to 1% of your mortgage amount and is paid monthly.

What down payment do you need on a conventional loan to avoid private mortgage insurance?

To avoid private mortgage insurance, you'll need to make a 20% down payment (or more) on a conventional mortgage. While many mortgage lenders will accept a lower down payment, putting down at least 20% of your home's purchase price helps you avoid this added expense.

How is home equity calculated?

Home equity represents the portion of your home you own outright. If your home's value is $300,000 and you owe $240,000 on your mortgage, you have $60,000 of equity, or 20% equity in your home. Home equity is something you're able to borrow against. For example, you could take out a home equity loan or line of credit (HELOC) based on the equity you've built.

Which of these factors do mortgage lenders NOT take into account when evaluating home loan candidates?

Your lender will need to make sure your income is high enough to cover your ongoing mortgage payments. Your lender will also assess your credit score to see how much risk it might be taking on by lending you money, as well as your debt-to-income ratio to see if you can swing more debt based on the amount you already have. But your age should not be a factor in qualifying for a mortgage, since it doesn't speak to how you're doing financially.

Which of these factors could lead to a lower interest rate on your loan?

If you're a mortgage applicant with great credit, your lender is taking on less risk than it would with an applicant with poor credit. Similarly, if you're paying off your home in a shorter period of time and are making a higher down payment, that minimizes the risk your lender takes on. As such, all of these factors could lead to a lower interest rate on a mortgage.

Which of these statements is true about mortgage pre-approval letters?

A mortgage pre-approval letter is not the same thing as an actual mortgage, nor does it guarantee that you'll get a mortgage. Rather, the purpose of mortgage pre-approval is to show sellers that you're a serious buyer whose finances have been reviewed by a lender. Also, mortgage pre-approval letters will tell you how much you're qualified to borrow based on the information you provide, and that could help you know what price range to stick to when buying a home.

How long does it usually take to close on a mortgage?

There are a number of different things that need to happen for a mortgage to close. Your lender needs to review your finances thoroughly in a process called underwriting, and then do a title search on your home to make sure your seller is really its rightful owner. Your home will also need to go through an appraisal so your lender can make sure it's worth enough to cover your loan. As such, it commonly takes 30 to 60 days to finalize a mortgage.

How much should you expect to pay in closing costs on a mortgage?

Lenders impose a series of fees called closing costs to finalize mortgages. These include application fees, recording fees, appraisal fees, and title search fees. All told, you should expect your closing costs to amount to 2% to 5% of the sum you're borrowing. Most lenders, however, will let you roll your closing costs into your mortgage so you don't have to write out a check upfront.

What's the minimum credit score needed to qualify for a conventional mortgage?

It takes a minimum credit score of 620 to qualify for a conventional mortgage. However, some lenders might choose to require a higher score than that. There are also different types of mortgages that cater to borrowers with lower credit scores, like FHA loans.

How much money should you spend on housing costs each month?

Generally speaking, it's a good idea to limit your housing costs to 30% of your take-home pay or less. Doing so could lower your risk of falling behind on those costs or on other bills. That 30%, however, doesn't just apply to your mortgage payment. It should also include recurring expenses like property taxes and homeowners insurance.

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Great start

Buying a home is a huge undertaking, and there's lots to learn about budgeting for a home and applying for a mortgage. The more you continue reading about the home buying and mortgage process, the better equipped you'll be to purchase a place of your own with confidence.

You're in great shape

It's pretty obvious that you know a thing or two about buying a home and getting a mortgage. Do a little more reading to put yourself in an even stronger position to tackle the home buying process -- especially if you're a first-time home buyer.

You could write the book on home buying and mortgage applications

Congratulations! Clearly, you know a lot about applying for a home loan and how to score a competitive interest rate on a mortgage. Now it's time to put those skills to good use by embarking on a home search and shopping around with different lenders for a mortgage. Good luck!

Hope this quiz was a blast! Our legal team wants to remind you: This is not scientific — like, at all. We don’t know you, we’re not going to tell you what to do (who are we, your parents?), and you shouldn’t base your financial decisions off an internet quiz. And one last disclaimer: Different answers may lead to different results — that’s just how this quiz works. (OK, that’s the end of the boring stuff.)

Published Aug. 25, 2022