In the video below, Motley Fool analysts Austin Smith and Jim Mueller discuss Whole Foods Market (WFM). Jim, the author of Motley Fool's premium research report on Whole Foods, speaks about his impression of the company's management team.

Whole Foods' management really centers on co-CEO and founder John Mackey. In 2006 Mackey was posting anonymously on discussion boards and trashing competitors. One competitor was Wild Oats, which Whole Foods has since acquired. Mackey was investigated by the SEC, but was not fined. He seems to have learned a lesson from the experience, and has driven a great culture at Whole Foods.

As opposed to the upper management in other companies who often make up to a hundred times the salary of average employees, Whole Foods does not pay its executives more than 19 times what the average employee makes. Since everyone is being treated fairly, this practice is good for stockholders and customers alike. Whole Foods has a great culture for long-term growth.

For more detailed information, make sure you take a look at Jim's full report.