Bank stocks aren't known for their big returns, but contributor Matt Frankel thinks Goldman Sachs (GS -1.20%) could be an exception. In this Fool Live video clip, recorded on Oct. 18, Frankel explains to Industry Focus host Jason Moser why he thinks Goldman could be a $1,000 stock in just a few years. 

10 stocks we like better than Goldman Sachs
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They just revealed what they believe are the ten best stocks for investors to buy right now... and Goldman Sachs wasn't one of them! That's right -- they think these 10 stocks are even better buys.

See the 10 stocks


*Stock Advisor returns as of October 20, 2021


Matt Frankel: I'm going to make a bold prediction and say that Goldman Sachs will be a $1,000 stock within five years.

Jason Moser: Wow.

Frankel: Well, I'll actually walk that back and say, I think Goldman Sachs should be a $1,000 stock today. That would put it at about 22 times earnings which really isn't much of a stretch when you look at the rest of the market.

Moser: It feel like it would be.

Frankel: If it turns out they can keep growing their consumer business as they have been and it looks like their investment banking division maintains its lead, I think this could be their time. That's a stock that has not historically gotten the market's love. They had a negative stigma attached to their name for the longest time. They're really trying to renovate or reinvent themselves with their consumer banking division, which they're doing a fantastic job of. I think Goldman Sachs is going to be a big performer, especially as interest rates rise, right now they're building their consumer banking division into a low interest environment.

Moser: Yeah.

Frankel: As rates rise, I think they could be a big winner in that too. There's a lot to like about it.

Moser: This past week's Motley Fool Money, Chris Hill asked me that very same question, I was going over these banks for the show. It's interesting you went with Goldman because I was noodling between two. It was Goldman and Bank of America (BAC 0.05%). Now, I ended up calling out Bank of America as my winner, really I felt like revenue growth, 12%, 15% boosted deposits. I mean, that record investment banking net and there's just a lot to like about the quarter. I figured men, when I was picking Bank of America that Matt Frankel will be proud of me for doing this. There you go picking Goldman so oh, well.

Frankel: It's tough to make an argument against Bank of America.

Moser: I'm just giving you a hard time. I agree. To me, Goldman and Bank of America stood out as real two winners there. I think you're absolutely right Goldman has a lot going for it, so wouldn't shock me to see them continue that success.