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7 Ways Your Warehouse Club Membership Can Help Your Holiday Shopping

By Maurie Backman - Nov 16, 2020 at 9:00AM
Person holding a Christmas present.

7 Ways Your Warehouse Club Membership Can Help Your Holiday Shopping

The festive season is almost upon us

The holidays are about seeing family and friends and enjoying that togetherness, but let's face it: They're also about shopping. From gifts to decor to food items, here's how you can put your warehouse club membership to good use this year.

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Gifts under tree with gold ball decorations

1. Buy gifts on the cheap

From books to clothing to kitchen gadgets to toys, warehouse clubs typically carry an array of items that make for great gifts. And by using your warehouse club membership, you're apt to pay a lot less than you would at regular stores. Of course, you won't get the same clothing selection at a warehouse club as you will with a traditional clothing retailer, but you might spend just $20 on a sweater instead of $45.

ALSO READ: 15 Ways to Lower Your Holiday Spending



Man in a suit and Santa hat hanging a wreath

2. Stock up on holiday decor

Decorating your home for the holidays can be costly. The good news is that you may find a selection of holiday lights and other accessories that can make your home feel festive on the cheap at your local warehouse club. Just don't expect to find an actual Christmas tree.



Hands put the finishing touches on gift wrapped items.

3. Load up on wrapping paper

Wrapping gifts may be more time-consuming than sticking those items into individual gift bags, but it's far more cost-effective. Some warehouse clubs carry holiday wrapping paper on a seasonal basis, so keep an eye out for it and stock up.



A gift basket on a table.

4. Buy gift baskets

Gift baskets make a great gift for the special people in your life. After all, who wouldn't appreciate an assortment of high-end sweets, nuts, and snacks? Warehouse clubs tend to stock gift baskets around the holidays, and you'll generally spend a lot less than you would ordering similar baskets from a specialty retailer online.

ALSO READ: How to Have the Holidays Paid Off by Christmas Eve



Arms reach across a dinner table full of food to toast with glasses.

5. Buy food for your holiday meals

If you're planning to do a lot of cooking this holiday season, buying snacks or food items in bulk could save you a bundle. Just make sure you have enough room to store all of that food if you're shopping for it in advance. There's no sense in loading up on perishables only to have to throw them out due to a lack of fridge space.

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We hear it over and over from investors, “I wish I had bought Amazon or Netflix when they were first recommended by the Motley Fool. I’d be sitting on a gold mine!” And it’s true. And while Amazon and Netflix have had a good run, we think these 5 other stocks are screaming buys. And you can buy them now for less than $49 a share! Simply click here to learn how to get your copy of “5 Growth Stocks Under $49” for FREE for a limited time only.



One person handing a gift card to another person

6. Purchase gift cards

Gift cards are an easy gift to give during the holidays, especially if you have picky people on your list or you're buying gifts for colleagues you don't know all that well. Some warehouse clubs have gift card deals that let you purchase cards for a lower price than their face value. In other words, you may be able to snag a four-pack of $25 gift cards for $80 instead of actually having to pay $100.



A shopper in a warehouse store.

7. Buy a membership plan for someone else

Do you have a friend or family member who always asks to tag along when you go warehouse club shopping? If so, why not buy that person a year's membership? It's a unique gift that's apt to be put to good use.



Person in glasses holding money and smiling widely.

Make the most of your warehouse club membership

You pay good money to be part of a warehouse club, so now it's time to reap some savings in return. Thankfully, there's a host of ways you can load up on holiday supplies to make an otherwise expensive time of the year just a bit more affordable.

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