Harry as Example

by Irv

(April 6, 1999) -- Harry paid a substantial brokerage fee when he opened this account in January, starting the portfolio at -3.62% right off the bat (he's learned since then). But the thing is, he was beating many mutual funds after three months ANYWAY. The average mutual fund returned about 1.28% during the first quarter. Many returned less. As of today, Harry is up 3.5%. Just goes to show you something.

 Recent Harry Jones Portfolio Headlines
  08/26/99  Is it a Nifty 500? Part II
  08/19/99  Is it a Nifty 500? Part I
  08/12/99  Illuminating Index Funds, Part Two
  08/05/99  Illuminating Index Funds
  07/29/99  The Foolishness of Index Funds
Harry Jones Portfolio Archives »  

04/06/99 Close

Stock Change Close SPY - 5/16 132.09
Day Month Year History HARRY -0.24% 2.90% 3.50% 3.50% S&P: -0.24% 2.45% 7.21% 7.21% NASDAQ: +0.12% 4.12% 16.90% 16.90% Rec'd # Security In At Now Change 1/4/99 16 S&P Depos 127.63 132.09 3.50% Rec'd # Security In At Value Change 1/4/99 16 S&P Depos 2042.00 2113.50 $71.50 CASH $0.00 TOTAL $2113.50 Yesterday Today Change S&P Depos 132.41 132.09 SPY - 5/16


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