
Rule Breaker Foolish Four Transaction Stats

On February 23, 1999, the Rule Breaker made its annual Foolish Four switch, selling the previous Fool Four stocks that are no longer on the list, and buying the new qualifiers. The Port sold AT&T (NYSE: T), Exxon (NYSE: XON), International Paper (NYSE: IP), and Lucent Technologies (NYSE: LU). It bought Caterpillar (NYSE: CAT), Chevron (NYSE: CHV), Goodyear Tire (NYSE: GT), and some additional DuPont (NYSE: DD) in order to balance the holding. The trade stats follow. Fool on!

Tot. Dollar Amt. Action Ticker Price Shares (incl.$8 commission) Sold XON $68.50 200 $13,692.00 Sold IP 43.13 270 11,635.75 Sold LU 108.18 84 9,079.75 Sold T 86.56 130 11,245.12 Bought CHV $79.13 180 $14,250.50 Bought CAT 46.94 300 14,089.25 Bought DD 53.97 45 2,435.18 (bought to balance) Bought GT 48.69 290 14,127.37