What happened

Still basking in the afterglow of a major milestone reached by their company, Fisker (FSRN -5.00%) investors traded the stock up on a new piece of encouraging news Monday. The electric vehicle (EV) maker's share price leaped more than 6% higher as a consequence, easily topping the basically flat performance of the S&P 500 index. 

So what

Exactly one trading day after it announced that it had delivered the first Fisker Ocean EV SUV, the company launched a financing website for its customers. The company's fiskerfinance.com is a platform for those customers and covers all key aspects of financing, from applying for a car loan to paying installments and tracking.

Fisker is apparently making every effort to get funds into customer hands to help them buy a car -- a concierge team is on hand to assist with the site's digital application process.

Now that Fiskers are starting to roll out of the factory and into customer driveways, it's logical for the company to launch its financing website. The more convenient the buying process, the more the company stands to benefit. 

Now what

So Fisker has the machinery in place to move the metal as far as the Ocean is concerned. It's certainly an attractive vehicle, with sleek styling and a relatively long range. According to its maker, the SUV can reach as many as 440 miles on a single full charge. 

Fisker would have been better rolling out both the auto and the financing portal earlier, though. The EV market is currently in the midst of a price war, with leader Tesla making a series of cuts that have resonated throughout the sector and look set to last.