Today, Andrew discusses Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT), a stock that has outperformed the Dow so far this year. Its dominance within operating systems allows the company to post some impressive margins, and the Windows 8 Phone release could provide a boost as well. But its failure to break into the search and tablet markets means Microsoft lost out on opportunities for further growth. Andrew believes a decision on Microsoft depends on your personal investment strategy.

If you’re a tech investor, the amount of Apple stock in your portfolio has been a key factor in whether you’re stomping the market in recent years. However, with the company preparing its most important phone launch in history with the iPhone 5 and looking at a game-changing television, the stakes have never been higher for Apple. If you’re looking for how to play Apple in the coming months, the Motley Fool has created a brand-new report listing not only the opportunities facing Apple, but also what to look for to know when to sell. The report not only comes with a write-up from one of our top analysts, but includes continuing updates whenever news strikes the company. Click here to get started today!