Anyone who doubts the usefulness of Google's (GOOGL 0.27%) mission to organize the world's information isn't paying enough attention, Fool contributor Tim Beyers says in the following video.

Certainly, better ad targeting is part of the strategy; yet there are also bigger themes at work. Earlier this week, the company formally introduced Google Capital to the world. The goal? Complement Google Ventures with a fund aimed at investing in companies further along in their development, but which could still benefit from a fresh infusion of capital.

What makes this particular project interesting is how the fund will invest. In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Google Capital partner David Lawee said that the idea of building a successful investment firm that "leverages the insights of Google" is a "20-year vision."

Tim finds the language curious, and potentially disruptive. How so? Imagine partners and analysts at both Google Ventures and Google Captial armed with reams of data about emerging trends the rest of us have yet to see. Investing into those situations could produce massive returns, Tim says, and ample rewards to Google shareholders.

Now it's your turn to weigh in. Do you believe Google's investing teams have a built-in competitive advantage? Please watch the video to get his full take, and then leave a comment to let us know where you stand, and whether you would buy, sell, or short Google stock at current prices.