3-D printed sugar shapes. Source: 3D Systems

In the second half of this year, 3D Systems (DDD -1.15%) will release the ChefJet and ChefJet Pro series of 3-D food printers, capable of 3-D printing edibles made from sugar and chocolate. The hope is that these printers will cause a stir in the culinary world, allowing 3D Systems to drive growth from its inaugural line of food 3-D printer products. Last week, the ChefJet was on display at the Inside 3-D Printing Conference in New York City, where attendees were able to sample an array of 3-D printed treats.

In the following video, 3-D printing analyst Steve Heller and Motley Fool industrials bureau chief Blake Bos sample a full-color, sour apple flavored, 3-D printed treat from 3D Systems' ChefJet Pro, and give their reactions. Although they weren't too pleased with the taste of the finished product, it sparked a debate about the future of 3-D printed food and the role it plays at 3D Systems. In their opinion, the 3-D printed food segment is still in its early stages, and investors in 3D Systems likely won't benefit from it in the short term. Still, 3D Systems investors should continue to watch the exciting 3-D printed food space for future growth opportunities.