The Container Store (TCS -11.21%), the unique retailer of thousands of items and organization systems for consumers' homes, might just be one of the most intriguing retailers in the market today. Determining if The Container Store belongs in Foolish investors portfolios will require a business-owners mentality and knowing the company's business-inside and out. Fortunately, the company's recent 10-K report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) offered some informational nuggets that are worthy of discovery and discussion.
It takes a brave person to trawl through the numbers and find those bits of gold that are valuable to investors, and we found 10 shiny nuggets that will make investors perk up and get them on their way to evaluating The Container Store Group. In this episode of The Motley Fool's Where the Money Is, consumer-goods editor Mark Reeth has CG analyst Sean O'Reilly break down what Sean divined about The Container Store's business -- past, present, and future -- from reading the company's 10-K report.