On Tuesday's Market Foolery, host Chris Hill and Motley Fool Special Ops analyst, Tom Jacobs, look at diversified portfolios after exploring the shocks investors can find in the Energy market.

Shares of Plug Power (PLUG -10.95%) were up yesterday, and, as Chris explains, the stock is up after nothing more than new coverage from FBR Capital Markets, which rated the company as an "outperform" with a price target in the next twelve months of $8 a share. Chris then looks at the stock from a year ago and back in March which paints a pretty chaotic picture. Although Chris doesn't have energy in his portfolio, he sees Plug Power as a scary option. Additionally, Tom describes the landscape in the early 2000's when fuel cells were the next big thing with Ballard Power, FuelCell Energy, and Plug Power coming to the front. Where are they today, he asks? Unprofitable. Chris asks where Tom is directed in the Energy industry and Tom looks at natural gas, but he thinks that investing in natural gas is risky.

Chris then turns the conversation to diversified portfolios and asks if Tom believes that investors need Energy in their portfolio. Tom explores his method, a Warren Buffett method, of building out a portfolio.