From an evolutionary perspective, we're programmed to deal with high levels of stress -- but only in short bursts. If you came upon a predator in the wild, you would either run away or get eaten in a matter of minutes. If you lived to tell about it, your nervous system would recover quickly.

One of the reasons stress is such a huge problem in modern society is that it's chronic. And nothing induces chronic stress the same way an unhealthy work environment can. That's why it's worth celebrating the five CEOs highlighted in this piece.

Every year,, a website that allows employees to rate their own workplace and bosses, come out with a list of the top CEOs in America. Using the data from this list, and focusing only on publicly traded companies, the following slideshow highlights these inspirational leaders, and how they came to earn their reputations.

The $60K Social Security bonus most retirees completely overlook
If you're like most Americans, you're a few years (or more) behind on your retirement savings. But a handful of little-known "Social Security secrets" could ensure a boost in your retirement income of as much as $60,000. In fact, one MarketWatch reporter argues that if more Americans used them, the government would have to shell out an extra $10 billion... every year! And once you learn how to take advantage of these loopholes, you could retire confidently with the peace of mind we're all after. Simply click here to receive your free copy of our new report that details how you can take advantage of these strategies.