One man's treasure is another man's trash. Never has the butchered saying been more true than today in Hong Kong, where the contents of more than 80 safety deposit boxes were dumped in a Kowloon scrapyard.

During a DBS Bank branch renovation, nearly 1,000 supposedly empty safe-deposit boxes were torn out and the gutted contents put out on the street before being hauled to the junkyard. The problem was that someone from the Kowloon branch forgot to make sure all the boxes were indeed empty, a bank spokesperson told ChannelNewsAsia (as reported by Fox News). Apparently, 82 were not.

Yeah, big oopsy-daisy.

Some customers learned of the boo-boo on TV before the bank could contact them. (No word yet on whether Kowloon dumpster divers hit pay dirt before bank officials realized the error.)

Although it's hard to put a hard Hong Kong dollar amount on every lovingly chosen item placed in the bank's care, DBS Bank is letting customers give it a shot. Since the contents cannot be independently verified, affected clients are setting the price for their pain and suffering. Precious heirlooms, indeed.