Social Security helps tens of millions of Americans by providing retirement income, and the program isn't limited just to those who have the greatest financial need. Some of the highest monthly benefit checks go to high-income Americans who paid the annual maximum amount of Social Security payroll taxes during their careers.

Most workers won't pay any more in Social Security payroll tax in 2021 than they did in 2020, because the actual tax rate hasn't changed for 30 years. But the wage base on which that tax rate gets applied is rising in 2021, and that means that regardless of what happens in the presidential election, high-income earners will pay more to Uncle Sam.

White House north lawn with Washington Monument in background.

Image source: Getty Images.

Why most people's Social Security tax stays the same year after year

Employees know all too well that Social Security payroll taxes reduce their take-home pay. The rate is 6.2%. On some paychecks, that gets added in with Medicare payroll taxes of 1.45% on a line labeled FICA. Therefore, if your earnings are the same from year to year, then your Social Security payroll tax will be the same as well.

Many people don't realize that their employer kicks in an extra 6.2% toward Social Security taxes. Employees don't have to cover that, but self-employed workers are responsible for the full 12.4% as part of the self-employment taxes they pay.

There's currently a limit on the amount of earnings subject to Social Security tax. But that amount rises nearly every year, based on changes in wages paid to U.S. workers. In 2021, the wage base is rising $5,100, for a new limit of $142,800.


Social Security Wage Base

Increase From Previous Year
















Data source: Social Security Administration.

Who'll pay more?

Here's how to see whether you're going to get snagged by the rise in the wage base -- and what impact it'll have on your total Social Security taxes paid:

  • If you make less than $137,700 in both 2020 and 2021, then you'll pay the same in Social Security tax if your wages stay the same. Any change in tax will be due solely to changes in your earnings.
  • If you make more than $142,800 in both 2020 and 2021, then your Social Security payroll tax will rise. An extra $5,100 will be subject to the 6.2% tax, resulting in an extra $316.20 in taxes. That'll raise your total taxes paid to $8,853.60.
  • If you make between $137,700 and $142,800 in 2020 and 2021, then your tax increase will be somewhere between $0 and $316.20. Exactly how much will depend on where in that range you fall. For example, if your earnings turn out to be $140,000 in both 2020 and 2021, you would be over the wage base limit for 2020 and therefore pay tax only on your first $137,700 in earnings. However, with the higher wage base limit in 2021, the full $140,000 would be subject to Social Security tax. You'd pay an extra $142.60 as a result.

For those who are self-employed, the impact could be twice as high. Those making maximum earnings both years will see a $632.40 hike in the Social Security portion of their self-employment taxes.

How many people have to pay?

The $142,800 wage base limit doesn't affect a huge percentage of the American public. The latest estimates show that only around 4% to 6% of workers have earnings exceeding the wage base. But that still leaves between 10 million and 11 million employees as potentially subject to tax increases.

About 719,000 self-employed workers earned at least the maximum earnings subject to Social Security payroll tax in the most recent year for which data's available. Those folks could see their total Social Security self-employment taxes rise to more than $17,700.

The Social Security wage base has been on the rise for a long time, and Americans can expect it to keep going up in the years to come. That means 2021's Social Security tax increases are just a taste of what high-income taxpayers can expect in the future.