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15 Things I Love (and Hate) About Owning a Vacation Home

By Christy Bieber - Sep 18, 2022 at 9:20AM
Family walking across beach house deck and onto the sand with towels, pails, and shovels.

15 Things I Love (and Hate) About Owning a Vacation Home

Owning a vacation home has come with pros and cons for me

A few years ago, my husband and I were lucky enough to be able to purchase a vacation home. Since that time, we've traveled often to our second house and made many memories.

While I'm glad we invested in the property, buying a vacation home has some pros and cons. If you're thinking about purchasing one, perhaps finding out what I love (and hate) about my vacation place could help you decide whether it's the right move for you.

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A house blanketed with snow.

1. Love: Being able to escape the cold

The best thing about my vacation home is that it is in a warmer climate than my primary residence. That enables me to escape the bitter winters. I don't think I would want a vacation house that didn't afford me the ability to trade bad weather for sunny days.

ALSO READ: Use This Dave Ramsey Trick to Keep Your Vacation Spending in Check



Two people carrying luggage and walking outside a vacation house.

2. Love: Getting to know my vacation spot really well

Because I have a vacation home, I travel to that area often and have gotten to know the area really well. I know what restaurants and nearby activities I enjoy and even which roads to take to minimize traffic hassle.



A plane in flight.

3. Love: Getting to go on vacation more often

Going on vacation can be expensive when you have to pay for airline tickets, lodging, and food. But having a vacation home allows me to cut out a lot of costs. I don't have to pay for a hotel, and I can cook and eat at my vacation home, so the food costs are no higher than what I'd pay at my primary residence.

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An modern, upscale hotel room.

4. Love: Not having to book hotels

Booking hotels can be a hassle. For instance, dates could be booked solid, or the available rooms might not offer the sleeping options we need.

Rather than having to book a room or suite to accommodate our family, we can just go to our second home. A vacation home also opens the door to more last-minute getaways because we don't need to worry about making reservations or not being able to find vacancies.



Someone's hand placing a gift into a Christmas stockings hanging on a mantel.

5. Love: Being able to travel at peak times without paying extra

Traveling at peak times, such as around the holidays, generally means paying more for lodging. But that isn't something we have to worry about because we can just stay at our home.

Having a vacation home enables us to go away for Christmas and other prime days without paying an added premium that leaves us with less money to spend having fun.

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Person packing a suitcase.

6. Love: Not having to pack

Over the years we've owned our vacation home, I've basically purchased duplicates of just about every item we use. As a result, I don't have to pack a suitcase anymore to go on vacation. Getting ready to go is simply a matter of picking up my phone, laptop, and the kids' diaper bag and heading out.

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Modern furnished bedroom and bathroom.

7. Love: Having my own comfortable space to vacation in

While going on vacation is great, there's nothing like sleeping in our own comfortable beds at night. With a vacation house, we get both: our own beds and the thrill of being somewhere different. We also have more space at our vacation house than at a hotel. Having rooms to relax in, cook in, and sleep in is much more enjoyable.



A person sitting on a brick wall in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

8. Love: The ease of traveling with kids

Traveling with kids makes life a lot more complex because you have all their gear to drag along. Plus, you have to worry about how to entertain them in a hotel and whether travel will throw off their schedule.

A second home can simplify that. My kids have beds, high chairs, toys, and clothes at both houses. And they are comfortable sleeping at both locations, so there's no drama to deal with when we travel.

ALSO READ: How to Teach Your Kids About Investing



A model of a house sitting atop bundles of $100 bills.

9. Love: Benefitting from property appreciation

My second home is also a great asset because its value, hopefully, should increase alongside property values. The property appreciation will help me grow my net worth and ultimately become richer over time. Obviously, a typical vacation cannot do that.



Person covering face behind table covered in papers, a calculator, a notebook, a pen, a mug, and a mobile phone.

10. Hate: Paying a second set of bills

The biggest downside of my second home is the cost. Basically, we have to pay for everything twice -- once for each house. We have two utility bills, two property tax bills, two HOA bills, and so on.

The costs go far beyond just another mortgage payment. If you're considering buying another house, you need to factor in all the costs to ensure your purchase will be affordable.

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For Rent sign in front of home.

11. Hate: Having to decide between renting and letting the house sit empty

Another big downside of owning a vacation home is that I'm obviously not in my home all the time. As a result, either the house sits empty or must be rented.

While it would make financial sense to rent it out, I just don't want to do that. I don't want other people touching my stuff, and I want to be able to come and go when I want.

My lack of desire to rent does come at a big cost, though. Now I'm spending money on an asset from which I could theoretically be earning income.

ALSO READ: You Can Now Invest in Vacation Rental Properties for as Little as $250



Plumber under a sink.

12. Hate: Dealing with problems at the house while on vacation

Another huge downside of owning a vacation house is that problems with the home are my issues to manage. There's no one to call to fix things for us, so my husband and I have to handle everything.

That can mean spending vacation time calling plumbers or air conditioning experts to come and get things working again. It can also lead to unexpected (and usually unwanted) expenses while on vacation.



Person mowing lawn.

13. Hate: Arranging for routine maintenance tasks

Even when not dealing with problems, a lot must be done to maintain a house. For example, lawns must be mowed, weeds pulled, and surfaces dusted.

Since my husband and I live far from our vacation home, we can't just pop over and do these tasks. We have to pay someone to do regular maintenance, which is another added expense and something more to manage.

ALSO READ: These 3 Home Maintenance Tasks Cost Way More Than I Expected



A top-down view of items being packed for a trip: passport, camera, map, sunglasses, suitcase, and more.

14. Hate: Feeling pressured to mostly vacation in the same place

Because I have a vacation home, I put a lot of pressure on myself to go there when I want to get away from it all. Although it's good to have the home there waiting for me, sometimes I just wish I could explore somewhere new.

Sometimes, we do that and plan a different vacation even as our house sits empty -- but at other times, it just doesn't feel right to spend money on lodging when we have a perfectly good vacation house sitting right there.



The inside of a luxury hotel room.

15. Hate: Missing out on that hotel experience

Finally, while hotels can be a hassle, there are benefits to staying in one. These range from a continental breakfast to daily housecleaning.

In our home, we don't get these standard hotel benefits, making it feel like less of a vacation. We also don't get to take advantage of hotel amenities like fancy indoor pools, another big downside.

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Two people toasting outdoors at vacation cabin rental.

Is a vacation home right for you?

My likes and dislikes about owning a vacation home are likely shared by many people with second houses. But, you'll probably find your own pros and cons as well.

The important thing is to realize that while having a second house seems nice, there are also big downsides to think about. If you're considering purchasing a vacation property, be sure you go in with both eyes open, so you don't end up with regrets.

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