Making gifts to charity is one of the most popular ways people use to cut their taxes. But to make sure you get the tax break you deserve when you make a gift to charity, you need to know the IRS rules that tell you what records you need to keep.

In the following video, Dan Caplinger, The Motley Fool's director of investment planning, talks about the documentation requirements for making deductible charitable gifts. Dan notes that for any monetary gift, it's important to have a bank record or written communication verifying the gift. For gifts of $250 or more, you need to receive a written acknowledgment of the contribution from the charitable organization. Dan notes that for big gifts of property above $5,000, you need a qualified appraisal to justify the amount taken. Dan concludes by noting that special rules exist for gifts of motor vehicles, which have gotten increasingly popular but were also popular targets for abuse.

Be smart about your taxes for 2014
Making the most of your gifts to charity is just one way you can cut your tax bill to Uncle Sam. In our brand-new special report "How You Can Fight Back Against Higher Taxes," The Motley Fool's tax experts run through what to watch out for in doing your tax planning this year. With its concrete advice on how to cut taxes for decades to come, you won't want to miss out. Click here to get your copy today -- it's absolutely free.