There's a lot of information out there. Some of it is junk, some of it is frame-worthy. For every dozen foam-spewing-from-mouth rants out there, there's a well-thought-out, factual, logical piece of work that deserves your attention.

Here are five you might enjoy:                       

Simon Johnson on Financial Reform (The Atlantic)
Former International Monetary Fund chief economist Simon Johnson gives a great interview on how to reform Wall Street. Among my favorite quotes: "No one can show you any social benefits to banks growing beyond $100 billion in assets -- and we see the social costs quite plainly (8 million net jobs lost since December 2007)."

A Blueprint for Financial Reform (Hussman Funds)
Anyone who works at Goldman Sachs (NYSE:GS) or JPMorgan Chase (NYSE:JPM) can't read this article without getting nervous about job security. Always-screaming-as-loud-as-he-can John Hussman gives an outline of how to overhaul the financial system, including "Discharge and replace Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner" and "Prohibit the use of credit default swaps except for bona-fide hedging purposes."

The Housing Bubble Has Only Partially Adjusted (Zero Hedge)
If you're fired up on names like Beazer Homes (NYSE:BZH) or Lennar (NYSE:LEN), this might be a helpful read. Dean Baker, co-director at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, gives a 13-slide rundown showing why the economy, particularly housing, is still a disaster and likely to remain so. On housing: "Real house prices are still 15-20 percent above long-term trend."

Jeremy Grantham on the Market (GMO)
Money manager Jeremy Grantham spent most of his career saying stocks were overvalued. Apparently, nothing's changed: "I thought last April that the market (S&P 500) would scoot up to 1000 to 1100 on a typical relief rally. Now it seems likely to go through 1200 and possibly higher. The market, however, is worth only 850 or so; thus, any advance from here will make it once again seriously overpriced, although the high quality component is still relatively cheap." He doesn't name names, but when it comes to the "high-quality" components, big names like Procter & Gamble (NYSE:PG) and Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) still look buyable.

F.A. Hayek vs. John Maynard Keynes (YouTube)
Two legendary (and dead) economists in a good ol' rap-off. "Say it loud and say it proud, we're all Keynesians now!" Quite entertaining, and actually a very accurate debate over what's going on today. You've got to see it to believe it.

Got any of your own to share? Post away in the comments section below.