As a member of The Motley Fool's 10% Promise Team, I see wild market moves every week. Every once in a while something catches my eye and teaches me something I didn't know. Here the two lessons I took from this week.

One heart of gold
A company's actions can tell you a lot about its culture and the character of its management. One company in particular gets a thumbs-up from me.

Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) CEO Eric Schmidt made a classy move by praising Egyptian executive Wael Ghonim's involvement in that nation's protests, which led to the eventual resignation of President Hosni Mubarak. Google went beyond the phrase "don't be evil" and demonstrated its capacity to do the right thing and not throw its employees under the bus. Shareholders should be proud.

Has the market heard about what's going on in the Middle East?
Wasn't it just a year ago that any potential conflict or economic problem would send the markets into a tailspin? Concerns about European debt sent U.S. markets crashing, and any hint of bad economic news threw talk of recovery into question. Now we have a successful revolt in Egypt, a violent conflict in Bahrain, and an escalating situation in Iran -- and the market shrugs it off. Am I the only one concerned here?

Of course, a little conflict can actually help oil and gas drillers, who had their day in the sun this week. After being beaten up recently, TransAtlantic Petroleum (AMEX: TAT), Hercules Offshore (Nasdaq: HERO), and HyperDynamics (AMEX: HDY) have come roaring back, sparked by analyst upgrades and well-timed acquisitions. If the violent protests continue in the Middle East, oil prices should continue to rise, and these oil and gas companies should continue their climb. 

Not that I'm rooting for violence, of course.

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