Insider buying in the open market generally is considered a bullish indicator. Corporate insiders often have the inside track on the company's prospects. What's more, their income is typically closely tied to their company's stock. Often a big chunk of that income is in the form of stock options or restricted stock. What's more, diversification argues for minimizing exposure to any one company rather than adding to it with insider buys.

While insider selling may indicate nothing more than a college tuition bill coming due, a home remodeling, or a high-end vacation, buying is typically a sign the insider expects the stock to rise. Buying in the open market could be considered more bullish than exercising stock options because the insider found some other way to fund the purchase.

With that in mind, I ran a screen to find companies that have had open market insider buys totaling at least $50,000 in the last 30 days. Here are 12 industrial stocks that made the list:


Net Number of Buys

No.  of Shares Bought

Total Value

Market Cap


Swisher Hygiene (Nasdaq: SWSH)





DXP Enterprises (Nasdaq: DXPE)





Patriot Transportation Holding





SeaCube Container Leasing















Fastenal (Nasdaq: FAST)





TASER International (Nasdaq: TASR)





Emerson Electric (NYSE: EMR)










Eaton (NYSE: ETN)





Hill International (NYSE: HIL)





Source: Capital IQ, a division of Standard & Poor's, as of 6/22/11.

When it comes to the number and total value of insider open-market buys, more could be considered better. The table is sorted accordingly. For example, there were two open-market purchases of Swisher Hygiene totaling $600,009 compared with one open-market purchase of Eaton totaling $93,000. Both are bullish signs, but the Swisher Hygiene sign more likely marks an on-ramp you want to take.

Foolish takeaway
Insider buying is a sign that someone who should be in the know is betting that the stock is going to rise. You can use this list of open-market insider purchases in the past 30 days to generate research ideas and/or reinforce a contrarian view.

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