The video below is from Friday's Motley Fool Money radio show, featuring host Chris Hill along with analysts Joe Magyer, Ron Gross, and James Early. In this segment, the focus is on two for-profit education companies that had a very bad week. Shares of Bridgepoint Education fell after the company revealed the U.S. Justice Department's impending investigation of its compensation structure, and shares of Apollo Group hit a 10-year low after its latest earnings dropped 60%. In the following video, the guys look at the challenges facing Bridgepoint and Apollo Group and analyze the companies' efforts to right their respective ships.

If you've ever struggled to fund your children's education or your own, then you might not feel overly sympathetic to the plights of for-profit education companies. The Motley Fool has authored a free premium report with the rest of "the 99%" in mind, titled "Middle-Class Millionaire-Makers: 3 Stocks Wall Street's Too Rich to Notice." In it, we highlight three solid, down-to-earth stocks that the wealthiest 1% may be overlooking. Don't miss out -- click here now to claim your copy and start reading today.