At present, Apple (AAPL 5.98%) and Samsung's (NASDAQOTH: SSNLF) largest tablets run about 10-inches. Next year, however, those models could look tiny -- various reports have indicated that both companies plan to unveil 12-inch tablets sometime next year. The introduction shouldn't be too surprising, Fool contributor Sam Mattera says in the following video -- lighter and thinner tablets have made larger form-factors possible. Yet, if it becomes a trend, the true winner could be Microsoft (MSFT 2.22%), Sam says.

A 12-inch iPad Pro could be sold at a premium, and help Apple boost its gross margin, but a 12-inch Surface could be far more substantial to Microsoft's bottom line. The laptop/tablet hybrid model Microsoft has been trying to push with its Surface tablets would be far more feasible with a 12-inch display.