Boeing (BA -0.52%) released its latest report on airplane orders received -- and canceled -- through March 4 on Thursday.
To date, the aerospace giant has booked:
- 111 "gross" orders for various flavors of its 737 regional airliner
- four orders for the 777 airliner
- one 747 order
- one 787 order.
No new order cancellations have come in since last week. So after subtracting the 12 orders for single-aisle 737s lost to cancellation so far this year (which Boeing reported on earlier), Boeing is left with 105 net orders booked to date -- 13 more than last week.
All of the new plane orders received were for variants of Boeing's 737 -- five being received from General Electric's aircraft leasing arm, GECAS, and the remaining eight coming from an unidentified customer(s).