AT&T's (T 1.55%) $48.5 billion buyout of DirecTV (DTV.DL) finally became a reality over the weekend and if it can pass regulatory muster, it'll reshape the company's future. AT&T is now clearly positioning itself as a dominant content delivery company through wireless, satellite, and wireline services. 

This positions it well for the future as consumers cut the cable cord. They'll still need access to broadband as well as content, which is an underappreciated piece of the AT&T/DirecTV deal. AT&T has an out if DirecTV can't renew its Sunday NFL Ticket deal with the NFL. If it can, AT&T can offer the service to over 100 million existing wireless subscribers. 

It's possible that a package of new subscription services will be available on multiple platforms when these content and delivery businesses are combined. Specialist Travis Hoium covers why he thinks this is a great deal for AT&T in the video below.